
Monday, May 31, 2010

Week 5 of 17 - Part 3

Well the air conditioning was finally fixed this morning and I've been in air conditioned splendor all day.  However, to hedge my bets I took a trip to Wal-Marts for fans.  How is it that I never leave that place without 18 more things than I came in for?!  Does this happen to anyone else? *LOL*

Lunch with my mom and daughter...plants placed on the balcony...several of the 18 things I didn't go to Wal-Marts for...and it was boiling by the time we got home!  Thankfully the air conditioning was working but I was pooped.  A late night, an early morning and too much heat meant I needed a nap!

So I finished the dress up later this evening.  Here is a headless shot...just didn't feel like hair and make-up:

Some stats:

black/white doubleknit print from Fabric Mart
white ponte knit from

20" invisible zipper
4 yards of black satin piping

1.  Additional space was added to the abdomen and hip area by slicing through the center front line on the front pattern piece and spreading 1/2" (in the abdomen area) to 5" at the hemline.  This was also done to the left side front piece since it is secured to the dress at the side seams.

2.  1/2" was added to the center back of the dress piece.

3.  Sleeve pattern was altered to accomodate my bodacious biceps and lengthened from the original cap sleeve.  One sleeve was cut from the black/white print and one from the white ponte knit.

Sewing Changes:
*I added piping which is not included in the original design.  But since I used two different fabrics, I felt I needed something to define and tie the two fabrics together.

*The dress pattern is shorter than I like so I ended up serging the hem and leaving it.  You can barely tell that the hem is unfinished.

*The pattern instructs you to use bias binding to finish off the front edges of the dress.  I used a roll of unfolded bias tape that I had on-hand.  I encased the piping by folding the bias binding around it.  All of the bias binding was then hand stitched down.

Another shot of the dress:

I won't be wearing this dress this week...we have some pretty important meetings and I need to look banking I won't know how it will wear.  However, even with my alterations the dress is close-fitting...alot more close-fitting than I normally wear my clothing.  Because of that, I don't know if I will actually use this pattern again...although, it is a different type of dress than I normally make.

All constructions pics, can be seen in my Flicker Album.

I'm disappointed that I didn't get to sew more or all of what I had actually planned.  Which is funny because this time I thought I planned conservatively...only 2 garments instead of the 4 I would normally have thought I could make.  But it is one more finished garment in the closet and available to wear to I'm grateful! always, more later!


  1. Wonderful job, and your alterations seem a perfect fit!

  2. I have to say, I really like this dress, and I like it on you. You can wear it to work on a more casual day. It is a keeper.

  3. Hey Miss Carolyn

    I think that the dress looks very good on you. You could put a black jacket over it to wear to work with the shoes you are wearing in the photo.

    I love it.

    Have a great week

  4. The dress looks SO NICE! The black piping is an elegant detail, and the sleeve length is just in proportion. What a success!

  5. This dress looks lovely on you! I think it was a good idea to use the piping . . . it ties both sides together very nicely! Glad to hear you've got your AC back . . . this was NOT a weekend to be without it!

  6. I think it's a very pretty dress that you can wear to less formal days.

  7. My earlier instinct was right...the dress looks great! I like the slightly less formal style and the fit looks good on you, even if it is cut more closely than you would normally wear. Weekend well spent.

  8. Yay for A/C!! I really like this print - did you buy enough for leftovers? I can see it in a cute skirt too. Good luck with the meetings this week and hopefully you'll soon be able to wear your pretty new dress for real.

  9. It looks wonderful! I think the fit is very flattering on you, and I love the contrast panel/sleeve and the piping.
    No, I never get out of Walmart with just what I came for. I wonder if they pipe something into the air??

  10. It's very cute. I love the print. AT least you got to finish something!

  11. Great dress! I love the piping. I noticed right away that it fits closer than your usual pattern, but it is very flattering.

    Everyone buys too much at big box stores. Making you buy all kinds of crap that you don't need helps them keep their prices low.

  12. Nice dress!

    And re the *Marts...I celebrated the first time I escaped with less than $50 in purchases! There is always something else!

  13. This dress is so pretty. I love the two tone and the piping details. It's a pefect fit on you.

  14. The dress looks wonderful on you! I love the added details.

  15. It's gorgeous. But I kept feeling like something was missing. *light bulb* I'm looking for one of your fabulous pins. The white shoulder would be a perfect display area. Oh do show us which one(s) look best!

  16. I'm liking this one - especially the black edging on sleeves and neckline. I can see it will a pop of color cardigan or smart pin. I think it will be comfortable to wear and easy to dress up or down.

  17. I really like this dress. The two fabrics together look great. I think that when a person has to "dress" appropriately for work one has to have a good wardrobe. So 21 dresses sewn is not too many. Wish I could do that many. Dresses are such a easy way to dress for work. Just add jewellery and shoes and you are ready

  18. I love this dress, I think the piping was the perfect touch. I think you lool great in it. I also love your shoes. I'm a sucker for a sling back and I have a love affair with patent leather. Together they make my dream shoe. I agree with LoverofWords, a black jacket would make a very professional outfit.

  19. Great dress!

    My co-worker & I decided that it would be WAY cheaper if we walked up to the greeter at wal-mart & handed them a 20 dollar bill. Then we would turn and walk away without actually entering the store! Way cheaper!

  20. I like the dress, but if it doesn't please you--perhaps you can redesign your TNT to look like this pattern.

  21. I like the dress, but if it doesn't please you--perhaps you can redesign your TNT to look like this pattern.

  22. I love this dress and of course it looks great on you! I really like the piping detail and the white contrast piece. You never cease to inspire.

  23. For me it is one of your perfect to go dresses that is not too businesslike. I love it!

    Greetings fro Germany

  24. Great dress, I think it looks fabulous on you. I can imagine that it takes some getting used to if it shorter and more close fitting than you are used to, but I have to say I think you look great. And, if I may add, this dress really shows off that you have great legs!

  25. I really love this dress. The black and white combination is very fresh looking and your piping pulls the two fabrics together so perfectly - you have such a great eye for working out the finishing touches that make a dress special. I think that an easy to wear dress like this is just what every wardrobe needs for the summer months.

  26. I like the piping really adds to the look.

  27. I have to say, this is not one of my favorite looks, and I hope that doesnt sound unkind. I am not sure how I like the contrasting fabric cutting across your body, I think it chops you up a bit.I like your long lean silouettes, princess seaming, higher waisted, like that. I am sure the construction is awesome, I always envy your skills and creativity.

  28. You did a really nice job on this dress. It will work great for those more laid back days on the job when you don't have to be too dress up.

  29. It would be a shame if you didn't make this dress again because the fit is very flattering on you!

    Love the two fabrics too, gives a lovely shape and line from shoulder to waist - Love it!

  30. Great dress!
    * Love the piping - agreed that it really helps to tie the two fabrics together.
    * The serged hem was a good choice. I see so many RTW dresses with that and I think it works well for this one.
    * I know you say this is a closer silhouette than you typically make, but I really like it on you. If this is a preview of working outside your comfort zone, I like!! :)

  31. You've made this pattern sing. The contrast made the design lines stand out.

  32. The dress is FABULOUS!!!! Great job!


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