
Saturday, December 17, 2016

It's Christmas in the Sewing Cave

So until the day after Christmas, I'm primarily sewing Christmas gifts and buying fabric. Because even though I say I'm not buying another piece until 2017, somehow I manage to find one more piece I just need to have!  But that is not the topic of this post...

This post is just to let you know what's happening in The Sewing Cave. First up my daughter and I spent last Saturday working on pjs for the grand babies.

We have three pairs completed and nine more pairs cut out. More sewing will happen this week to get these finished up in time for Christmas. I'm so grateful that Christmas is on Sunday this year because it gives me another Saturday to sew.

I'm sewing velvet lined infinity scarves for friends this weekend. The first of them are pictured below. I have a few more to make...

Fabric is from Fabric Mart and Smugglers Daughter

So that's whats going on in the Sewing Cave! Next week I will share my Top 5 Sewing Hits and Top 5 Sewing Misses for 2016. I haven't decided if I'm going to write a goals post yet or not since I regularly review what and why I'm sewing what I'm sewing here.

I'm off the week between Christmas and New Years' so there will be some sewing going on. However, I do have plans to visit friends for a few days that week so I won't be sewing the entire vacation.

Before I started sewing for Christmas, I did cut out a few cardigans from Simplicity 8059, so those will be first up when I go back to sewing for me. always more later!


  1. Thanks so much Carolyn for admitting you are still buying fabric!! It makes me feel much better (that I am not the only one) who cannot resist certain pieces at the moment. Have a Blessed Christmas and A Happy New Year!

    1. Paula - I can be restrained about most things but find it much harder NOT to buy fabric!!!

  2. Lots of PJ's. Are they flannel?

    1. Faye - flannel, fleece and one ltwt. Corduroy for the girls.

  3. Thank-you for another year of inspiring posts Carolyn - of more than one type. Happy Christmas to you and your family and let us hope for a peaceful, healthy and prosperous year ahead. My fabric stash rivals yours, sadly my output does not!

  4. Beautiful looking scarves! I.
    'm doing the same thing except instead of pj's the little girls are all getting fleece hats mitts and scarf sets and the grown-ups are getting what I call Four Way Wraps that only each take about 1/2 hour to make but are so CUTE!! I'm also squeezing in a self designed red ponte dress that I'm very hopeful about !! Merry Christmas Carolyn. I still check out what you're sewing regularly although I don't always comment.

    1. Diana - I totally understand! However, I'm glad you're still following along on my sewing journeys.

  5. I love the scarves! I want to try and make some as soon as I'm moved and settled in.

  6. Flannel pajama bottoms for the teens and spouse, a Spoonflower knit infinity scarf for my sister (typewriter theme for her holiday presents) and a couple of specific "I will make this for you" kits for my niece. The real gift will be if I can get my niece to leave the house with me to go look at fabric; that will be a gift to everyone involved.

  7. Oh, forgot to ask: what kind of tops in the flannel? Pattern #?

    1. Just making pj bottoms...we do t-shirts from Target for the tops.

  8. Wow so many PJ's and those scarves sound divine.

  9. Thank you for your blog dedication...I always read, out here in the sticks, and remain so impressed with your skills, creativity and honesty. You are appreciated! Merry, merry Christmas and may you be the recipient of divine blessings. From a dedicated follower and first time commenter-Teresa

  10. Carolyn, how do you make your velvet-lined scarves?


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