
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Top 5 Hits of 2016

I've meant to write this post for a couple of weeks now, ever since Gillian, of Crafting A Rainbow blog, posted about it, but I've been dragging my feet.  Some of it is because I've been super busy with Christmas sewing. Some of it is because many times I think my sewing is just boring now. 

I can say that this year, I've been more engaged and have thought creatively about the pieces I've sewn but I still don't have the "love/obsession" thing I had when I was crafting a professional wardrobe. Changing my creative mindset is an on-going process. See, I'm still actually happiest sewing for spring/summer because I can create my beloved dresses.

When reviewing my makes for this year, it's definitely reflective of my changing lifestyle and my willingness to sew for others in my family. 

Without further ado my Top 5 of 2016 ~

The first garment on my list that I'm most proudest of because it's an accurate merge of my previous life and where I'm at McCalls 7385. The crazy thing is that this dress is made from fabric purchased from Joann's, one of my least favorite places to shop for fabric...but it's also what makes this maxi sing.

My second garment is also a maxi dress. It's Vogue 7271 an out of print pattern that I made earlier in the year with a panel print. I loved the dress so much that I maximized it. I really had a thing for long, flowy maxidresses last summer and this one fulfilled all of my desires.

I did a lot of unselfish sewing this year and totally enjoyed it. It started in March when I made several outfits for my granddaughters and my daughter to wear in my Mom's church's fashion show. And even though it didn't go as planned, I loved this matching mother/daughter outfit.

The Simplicity 1621 dress encompassed all of the things that I love so much about sewing ~ taking a basic design and upgrading it with fabric and embellishments. I know high/low dresses don't get a lot of love in some quarters but I love the swish and flow of them! I remember the joy I had while making this one and how great I felt when I wore it...that's why it's on this list!

My final entry for top 5 is my green tweedy version of the hacked Vogue 1247. This year I took the pattern from a dress to a topper and this was my second version. Even though I like my other versions, this is the one that successfully merges my past and my present AND just works. Again this one gives me joyful memories when I think about sewing it.   

Finally ~
I may have one more roundup post with misses and a recap of what I've actually sewn this year before the 31st. Even though I'm finished with work at 1pm on the 23rd and don't go back to work until Wednesday, January 4th, I won't be sewing the entire break. 

This year since Christmas is on a Sunday, I will be celebrating it for three days, in three different family homes. Then I'm going to hang with Gaylen for a few days before finally heading home and spending a few days in the sewing cave.

I haven't compiled a special list of things to sew, I'm just going to go with the flow and work from my present fall/winter list. January will bring new makes and more discussions, I hope you will continue to hang with me and follow my sewing journey. always more later!


  1. Fun to see the garments that really made you happy. And wow that photo of your daughter with the grands is wonderful--a terrific portrait of three beauties!

  2. Still really love that first maxi!!
    Will def continue to hang in 2017 :-)

  3. You had quite a productive year. I particularly like the white and blue floral dress. And what a great photo of your daughter and grandbabies :)

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy your time with family and sewing!!! Thank you for another year of inspiring me in my sewing journey. I teach others so your influence goes out to them, too!

    1. Patricia - That is amazing! You just never know when you throw that pebble into the stream how big the ripples will become. Thank you!

  5. I just popped over from The Red Cardinal's blog after seeing yours highlighted in her side bar. I love all the things you have sewn! It looks like you have had a very successful year of creating your own garments. And the mother and daughters dresses you made are lovely!

    1. kristieinbc - thanks for following the link over! It is appreciated and I hope that you will continue to visit!

  6. Carolyn, I've followed your blog for years and have always enjoyed your creative sewing journey. As a retiree I, too, have struggled with my sewing style. My real love is jacket sewing and now my need of said corporate garment is not needed which makes me sad. So, I've been trying to spur on my creativity from just sewing basics (knit tees and leggings) to more unique garments. That's why I so appreciate your posts as you document your struggles and creative answers. Thank you! Karen

    1. Karen - thanks! I will probably talk more about this on the blog in 2017 - the need to sew for a new lifestyle, a changing body and circumstances. There are loads of blogs out there that address the needs of the younger woman but few address the needs of the more mature stay tuned! BTW, I'm glad my sewing inspires yours!

    2. Karen, I have the same quandary! My favorite thing to sew was always wool blazers and jackets. Now retired, I find I wear the same ones and never get motivated to start a new one. Maybe 2017 will be the year of the jacket for sure! I've followed Carolyn for years and always find her so inspiring.

  7. Your second dress, the Vogue 7271, is my favorite. You look absolutely stunning! I love the tie at the waist. Also, your daughter and granddaughters are just beautiful. I'm going back to that post to see the full views of thise dresses again! The polka dots are so fun.

  8. I love each of these pieces too Ms. Carolyn! Your work is impeccable and I'm sure 2017 will be filled with more beautiful pieces you'll challenge yourself to create!

  9. All of your picks are lovely!!!! I especially love the polka dot outfits that you made for your daughter and the grandkids! Merry Christmas Carolyn. Though I am not a blogger yet, I have over the years enjoyed visiting your fashion blog. I look forward to visiting with you in 2017!

  10. You've sewn some beautiful garments,Carolyn. Looking forward to visiting your blog again next year. Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  11. HI Carolyn, all 5 are so flattering! I'm partial to polka dots so I particularly love the mother-daughter outfits. Lucky daughter and granddaughters!

  12. Wow, what a year for you! It's not easy to shift creative focus. I love reading your blog for the inspiration you provide in your posts and pictures of your sewing for the kiddos brighten even the gloomiest day.

  13. Hi Carolyn,
    I would like to thank you for your blog which has inspired me many many times. Your sewing is not boring but your journey is similar to many of us who can relate. Your garments are beautiful and your family is fortunate to have you making such lovely garments for them. Have a Merry Christmas with your family and a healthy New Year.
    Thank you

  14. Carolyn,
    I too, want to thank you for sharing all of your skills and interests in your blog. It is a huge investment of your time, but it is appreciated. As a new (3 years now) sewist, I have learned sew much from my sewing sisters. I always look forward to your posts Carolyn and although you may find your sewing tiresome, I never do. Merry Christmas and blessings to you and your family.

  15. Great end-of-year post.Thanks for continuing to share your sewing adventures with us. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  16. I love all your makes. The mom/daughter matching outfits are so adorable. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas. May God continue to bless you in the new year and beyond! It's always inspiring to see what you make.

  17. Carolyn,
    Thank you for sharing your sewing stories this year. As a relative newbie to garment sewing this year, I set a goal for myself to sew one new item each month. I have to say that I referenced your blog countless times for advice, inspiration, and a good dose of humor. Enjoy your break and I look forward to reading your posts next year.

  18. Your sewing isn't boring, it's just different now. I find that you sew a low more different things now, and that is interesting to me.
    Love all the pics!


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