
Friday, December 27, 2019

The Best of a Decade

It hit me a couple of weeks ago that not only was a new year approaching but also a new decade. I know we as sewists look back at the end of the year to see where we've been and what we've done.  However, in the last 10 years, a lot has changed in my life and in my sewing.

So I decided to pick one best garment of each year for the last decade. It was an interesting journey through my sewing life. I'm thrilled that I documented all of those makes because most of the garments made from the first 5-6 years of this decade have been donated due to my life changing.

It also highlights when my sewing changed, when I started on my shirtmaking journey and how I finally figured out my daily outfit. This post is picture heavy with a lot of links, so grab a cup of whatever you're drinking today and read on...

Present day work outfit - cardigan, shirt & jeans

Let's start at the beginning - 2010. I was working for the private investment firm, my really corporate job, and I dressed for work everyday. There were no casual fridays, just corporate dress. I wore heels, stockings, jewelry (mostly pearls) and as I appeared in my pictures, that's what I looked like at work. 

I used my end of year posts to determine what was my favorite for each year.  I did this because I was closer to those makes in those years. For several of the years I had a tie so both garments are featured. Also for the first five years, it was ALL about the dress! 

Finally, I hope you will take time to read the blog posts associated with the garments. There's a lot of helpful information in those posts and while some of the patterns are now out-of-print, I'm sure they can be found on eBay, etsy or one of the other vintage online pattern sites, if they're not already in your own pattern stash.

I had started knocking off designer and RTW dresses at this point. I was working in an upscale place and most of my female coworkers wore a lot of designer gear. So I sewed designer and RTW knock-offs. My favorite dress for 2010 is The Macy's Dress.

Ponte fabric was a favorite fabric of mine that year and while I could have purchased this dress in Macy's, I loved the challenge of making my own version.

Seriously that year was all about creating my version of Designer Inspired Dresses. I made 27 dresses and I also used quite a few border prints. Border prints have always been in my fabric collection!

Favorite dress for 2011 - The Versace Inspired Dress

This is a grainy picture taken on my old point & shoot

I was on a roll with the Designer Inspired Dresses and made 25 dresses that year from inspiration and new patterns. Both of the dresses that I loved this year were made from my TNT dress pattern. It was the base that I used to take flights of fancy.  So the two dresses are ~

The Chanel Dress

...and the Trendy Lace Dress

When I scrolled my makes for 2013, I was struck by how creative and productive I was during that time. Right out the gate in January, I started sewing bangers! Fantastic and wonderful dresses from all types of fabrics, using TNT and new patterns. So I ended up with a three way tie.  It was also the year that I made my niece's prom dress! Tell me if I'm wrong or if you like one more than the other because I just couldn't decide!

Black Wool Crepe & Pleather Lafayette 148 Knockoff ~

Vogue 1370 Dress ~

Oscar de la Renta Knockoff Lace Dress ~

My choice for 2014 has two of my sewing loves in the dress - linen and piping. It's also a dress made from a current at the time pattern and not my TNT pattern. I didn't know it at the time but it was my last summer of sewing corporate work clothing and I'm thrilled I got to make this dress.

Vogue 8995 ~

I was fired from the corporate job in early February of 2015. I sat home for about four months before I went back to work. Where I took a job that was TOTALLY different from the one I'd worked for the previous 9 years. I also lost 40 lbs from a new medication the Dr. put me on and the stress of being out of work. So new job, new wardrobe conditions, a little smaller body it was a year where I had to redefine my sewing.

Again, I used a new pattern - McCalls 6559. I used this pattern ALOT that year! It was the thrill of being able to wear a maxidress and the freedom to wear any print, pattern or color I wanted.

This was another year of figuring out what I wanted to look like every day. Spring/Summer and Early Fall were easy - more maxidresses. So the pick for 2016 is another maxidress pattern - McCalls 7385.  Interesting thing about this dress is that it's made from Joann's card purchase! LOL!  My non-sewing friends thought it was a great gift...didn't want to disappoint them.

In 2017 I finally started to figure out what I wanted to wear. It was the year I started my shirtmaking journey. I was also using and buying a lot of denim. Buying a lot because I only had a few pieces in the collection due to my corporate lifestyle. I sewed through those pieces really quickly and the freedom I felt drove me to sew more garments in denim.

Simplicity 8303 - the denim trenchcoat was my garment of the year...

...and the runner-up outfit was a Cashmerette Rivermont top.

Shirts were the stars of 2018. I love the process of shirtmaking. I love the creativity and freedom. I'm now using a TNT pattern that's been altered from two out of print patterns - Butterick 5678 and Vogue 7700. 

Also there were Myosotis...lots of Myosotis dresses!

Now we get to the last year of the decade - 2019. My best dresses of 2019 would be the formal ball gowns I made for my granddaughters to wear to my niece's debutante ball. The dresses were made from McCalls 7858 and were a journey of love. The girls loved them and I was thrilled with their reaction.

Conclusion ~
If you made it this far, thank you for taking this walk down memory lane with me! Honestly I can't believe the amount of sewing I've done in the last decade...some years as many as 75 pieces. So much has changed in this decade yet my love of sewing has remained as strong as ever!

My journey now includes so many more Indie Patterns as well as the Big4. I still sew with my TNT patterns because I love to be able to take creative journeys with them. I'm embellishing more.  Adding piping, binding and using a lot of border prints in the garments I make.

I will be 61 this year and honestly I don't know if I will still be blogging by 2030. I'm starting to reach that part of my story where there are more years behind me than there are before me. I don't know what the next decade holds for me but as long as I can sew and share, I will blog.

I am sewing during my Christmas break so I will have new makes to share in 2020. Thank you to all who have followed me all these years, especially thank you to those who left comments on my posts. As I reviewed them for this post, the early 2010s had way more comments by followers. Also, thank you to those who continue to follow me because of the sewing even if you don't like my politics...I'm especially grateful to you.

Finally, if you've been following for awhile and are willing to leave a comment - please leave one letting me know when you starting following me. I appreciate you all so much!  Happy New Year! always more later!



  1. Carolyn, I think I started reading your blog about 5 years or so ago, as I remember the midi-dresses. I am so inspired by you, with the prodigious amount of sewing you do, and everything looks great on you. I envy that you know your style and body type. I'm not so good at that but getting better at choosing the right type of fabric, both content-wise, and color/print. Keep posting and I'll keep reading.

  2. Carolyn, what a lovely journey you've taken your readers on! There's lots of self awareness in there. I was reading way back then, and really loved your dresses. I began working from home, and living near Phoenix AZ, capris and pedal pusher pant lengths increased in my wardrobe, and, now at 73, I wear a dress maybe once a year to a wedding or special occasion. I'm trying to up my game of dressing using more formal fabrics for the casual wear everyone wears, and I especially try to keep my shoes new looking and nicely kept. Both my mother and my mother-in-law wore really bad shoes at my age, and I can't do it. I wear shoes that are good to my feet, but are stylish and support me at an age where I'm finding friends who are falling and getting serious injuries. I choose to find good quality clothing from the shoes and then go up. So sewing more knit pants, sewing or finding more dressed up tops beyond the T shirt shape. I've taken the looks of my mother and mother-in-law as things to do the opposite, I want to look just a little classier than they thought of. I live in a retirement community that has loads of shows, music, plays, etc, and I guess I like looking like i belong in that company. I want to look good at events towhich I choose to attend, yet without overdressing. Thinking about some of the small details in dressing can make a big difference in the message you send out with clothing choices. As always, thanks for your inspiration!

  3. Carolyn - I have been reading your blog for almost eight years, since I discovered you sometime in the middle of 2012... I remember how impressed I was, and still am, with your skill and creativity! I hope that you continue to find it worthwhile to share your efforts with those of us who enjoy reading about the sewing life... I am 64, and sew most of my own clothing as a way of getting the styles that please me, and a size that fits my short stout self. Your beautiful garments are an inspiration

  4. I must have been following you for at least all of the 10 years because I remember all of those garments. Your productivity has always amazed me. You are an inspiration!

  5. Oh my goodness, I have been following you all these years, and loved seeing those old favourites again. I remember the Macy's dress very well, and the use of pleather inserts - I made myself a wool and pleather dress that year. You have inspired me so much Carolyn. I don't think my sewing has improved, but I sure get inspired every time I read a post. Still going at 73, and I am right here enjoying the post-Christmas down time to cut out a few new patterns to trial. Happy Sewing and a Happy New Year to you.

    1. Patricia - still going at 73 - this gives me so much hope! Though I don't think its the sewing that will stop me from blogging but the picture's a lot of work and becomes more burdensome not less as time goes by.

  6. I find your blog so inspirational. I look forward to every post and read them all. I'm going through a lot of life changes and there's something about your journey that I find both uplifting and comforting. Please keep sewing, sharing and blogging, you are such a star.

  7. Hi Carolyn, Ruthie here, no idea how long I've been following your blog but its in the 'many years' category for sure. I'm not much into shirts or dresses but I appreciate your use of TNTs to mix things up. As well as you huge love of fabric and sewing in general. Over the last 10 years I got divorced, moved several times, met someone new, dealt with illness, and moved jobs both within the same company (different account, same job) and going somewhere new (same job, different company). My latest change is a different role at the current company which does come with a more relaxed dress code. Hurrah for cardigans!
    Throughout it all I have read your blog, and also written mine.
    Cheers Ruthie in UK

  8. Hello, Carolyn! Yours was one of the very first blogs I ever read! I was so excited to see someone who sewed her own clothes! I had found some quilting blogs, but yours was the first garment making blog. This was many, many years ago and I have never stopped reading your blog. Thank you so very much for all the effort it takes to create such wonderful posts year after year. I typically read posts in a blog reader, so I know you don’t usually see the (very few) comments I make. You continue to inspire me. Thank you

  9. Carolyn, I think I started following you in 2009. I was returning to sewing in a serious way and wanted to up my game. Your blog was the first one I found and from your "blog roll" the internet opened up. You and your "blog roll" are daily reading and inspiration. Right now I'm missing my sewing (we are painting and cleaning a rental house) but I'm going to be diving right back in as soon as it's done. I hope to still be reading your blog ten years from now, you always have something interesting to say.
    Theresa in Tucson

  10. I don't know how long I have been following your blog. I am guessing about 5 or 6 years. I know you were still making dresses when I found you. I enjoy your inclusion of your thought process around the garments as much as the technical expertise. Your life experiences often give me food for thought. Finally, I have no idea how you make as many things as you do. Your day must have more than 24 hours!

  11. Carolyn, you are amazing. All those makes that look so great. I hope to keep reading your blog for another 10 years.

  12. Hi Carolyn! I returned to sewing about 2012 and I am pretty I was following at that time. I have enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your family too. Thank you for your inspiration!

  13. Hello Carolyn
    I don't think that I have commented before, but I think I have been following your blog since 2013 - I remember the Vogue 1370 dress for sure - but it may have been even longer as your blog was one of the first I ever read when I was looking for "sewing help" as my Mum was no longer able to share her expertise. I enjoy reading your posts and am astounded by how much you sew, and how beautifully finished each garment is. I find you an inspiration with your candor about your sewing and how it has evolved with you as your life has changed over time. Thank you for sharing with us.

  14. I've been following you for a few years. Don't remember when I started. You sew the sort of things I like and come up with some great ideas. Please keep up with the blogging! You inspire me. All the best.

  15. Hi Carolyn, what a complete and interesting post (again). I’ve been following your blog for 7 or 8 years, at least those outfits are familiar to me.
    I hardly comment, mostly because of my difficulty with English. But I do love to read them, for me the politics are an interesting extra. Living in Europe, I like to read about an other part of your live.
    I’m very fond of your clear opinion, sewing related and more. Your sewing skills make me hope to get to your level someday. And envy you a little about the time you have (my kids are still small so a whole day of sewing is a dream), but it also shows me that sewing can stay fun in different times of your live.
    So I want to thank you for the time and effort you put in your posts, I really appreciate it!

  16. I have been enjoying your sewing journey since 2014. You have informed and inspired my own sewing journey more than you know. Thank you!

  17. Honestly, Carolyn, I can't really remember just when I started following your blog but it's more than 10 years as I've seen all the garments in this post. You are absolutely my favorite blogger! I gain so much information and inspiration from you and look forward to hearing from you whenever you post which, thankfully, is often. Please keep it up!!! Karen

  18. I've been following you for at least 10 years, because I remember the Macy's dress. Sew on, Carolyn! I look forward to seeing your future makes.

  19. I can't remember when I started following you but I do remember your Macy's dress, so at least 10 years now. I don't comment often because I'm usually reading your posts at work and I have to hurry and get back to work! Happy New Year!

  20. I have only been following your blog for a few years and never saw your corporate style. I love it! And it's the type of sewing to which I aspire. One day... I hope you continue blogging, I enjoy your writing (and politics!) very much!

  21. I'm a newbie follower of just this year. I admire how you can take a so-so (to me) pattern and make it wow! Your use of details is making me think of how to add more to my sewing! Thanks!

  22. I just started following you at about this time last year when my mother in law gave me a sewing machine so I could learn to sew. I haven’t done as much sewing this year as I thought I would, partly because it’s a lot harder to teach yourself than I’d expected and partly because we’ve had a really rough year here. My oldest has been in the hospital twice, once with two days in the ICU and is now a full month into long term recovery care with no sign of being released back into her normal life, and my youngest was diagnosed with autism and I tell you, I am TIRED. And I’m pretty sad a lot of the time. But when I see your posts I’m happy. You make gorgeous things, and you always look amazing in them, too, which gives me hope because I am also not in the model size range and it’s tempting to me to just give up and live in stretchy pants and baggy shirts. You inspire me to keep trying to sew and you remind me that being attractive and fashionable is possible even when you’re not a size 2, both of which I really really needed this year. And both of which I’ll probably need next year, too, unless miracles are real and I get more than my fair share in the next week.

  23. I must have been enjoying your sewing for 10 years. I recognize your Macy's dress. Thank you for sharing your journey. Your black wool crepe and pleather dress is stunning.

  24. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I started reading your blog 3 years ago when I started following fabricmart and came across your page. Also Tee always share tips you share through her stories. Have a wonderful end of year and Happy New Year when it comes!

  25. Carolyn,
    Ive been reading your blog since 2012. That year I retired and bought a new sewing machine and serger. Yours is the first blog I read in the morning with my coffee. You inspire me, give me confidence and certainly make me chuckle. By the way, your politics do not offend me but rather support my own.

  26. Carolyn, I have been reading your blog for at least 10 years as I remember the Macy's dress as well as the other beautiful dresses you've sewn. I am amazed at how much you accomplish as well as your wonderful fabric stash. A lot of sewing blogs have disappeared, but I'm glad that you are continuing - I just haven't gotten into Instagram. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  27. I'm feeling a little shocked, because weren't those dresses just last week? Hm.... I seem to have been following you for most of the last ten years! Where DID the time go?

  28. HI Carolyn. I started following you just after you started your new job, so I missed out on those corporate dresses, though I have gone back and read about some of them. I appreciate your blog for the great sewing advice, the fact that you are "real" and are so artistic in your use of fabric. Your posts have really encouraged me to work on some TNT patterns, that I don't always have to be working on a new pattern, and to use my imagination, and also ready to wear for inspiration. Thank you for taking the time to do these posts.

  29. Hi Carolyn, I think I started reading in 2009 - and was instantly envious of your fabric collection and proximity to the fabric shopping in New York :) lovely retrospective. I have to say my favorite is the black wool crepe and pleather dress, that is a masterpiece.

    1. Beth - as one of the sewists who inspire and encourage me to sew better, I'm honored that you read my blog and admire my work. I'm even more thrilled that I consider you a sewing friend!

  30. Carolyn, I discovered your blog just this past year & have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. You make amazing things! I don't usually comment on any blogs, but I always read them (-:

  31. Hi! I started reading your blog a bit the time I started sewing, just about a decade ago. I remember these makes! You have always been an inspiration, and the only sewing blog I have been reading consistently in the decade, even during the times I am not sewing myself.

    I normally don't comment, but enjoy your posts nonetheless. Thanks for all the great makes and the stories you tell!

    From Norway,

  32. Those corporate dresses. Man - so many of them where knock your socks off amazing! But you're new style, while more relaxed and casual still has many traditional Carolyn elements that we love to see added - piping, binding, working with border prints or just flat out beautiful fabrics. How to make 6 denim outfits and have them all be different and individual. I've been following you since day 1 - although I so rarely comment these days, sorry 'bout that!

    Happy end of a decade my friend - you've figured out how to make the last 10 years work for you and I have no doubt you'll do the same in the next 10 years. g

    1. G - you know how much I loved making those dresses and that was the biggest hurt about losing that job! LOL! Thanks bestie!

  33. Carolyn, I found your blog after I started buying fabric online from Fabric Mart and when your journey from corporate America started and your self discovery began in earnest. The granddaughters dresses and your tnt shirt patterns always inspire me. I am 67 and still working, but sew as much as possible

  34. I think I have been following since 2012. I am amazed with all your makes but the black pleather and the denim trench are my favorites. If I had to pick it would be the denim trench. I had not realized how many basic shirts you made and I bet you wear them a lot. Thank you so much for writing, taking pictures and sharing your journey. It has made a big difference in my life and I am sure many others. May God continue to bless your sewing journey in this next decade.

  35. I don't remember when I started following you, but it's definitely been at least 10 years as I recognize all of these makes! I've loved following your journey, and look forward to many more wonderful years!

    1. Lauren - thank you! I've been following you for at least 10 years before we became Mood Sewing Sisters and it's been wonderful to follow your journey these last few years.

  36. I've been following you since 2008. More so on Instagram now. I stopped blogging years ago but I appreciate those that still do it. You and EricaB were some of the first blogs that I followed. Keep doing what brings you Joy because it makes us pretty happy too.

  37. I started reading your blog about 2018. I read it every day and love it.
    Thanks for the decade review - very enjoyable. I learned new things as I so often do from your blog.

  38. I hope you'll still be posting here in 2030, I will certainly be here reading if you are. The longer format of blogs always beat Instagram for me. Maybe this is the year I finally start writing mine.

  39. I have been following you since around the last year of your corporate makes. I follow you in Feedly, so to comment I have to visit your page separately. I apologize for being so bad about commenting -I really appreciate what you do.

  40. Amazing! I'm pretty sure you were one of the first sewing blogs I started following, just after I started sewing... probably sometime between 2010 and 2011? You and the Selfish Seamstress are actually the blogs that inspired me to start blogging myself! In that vein, I hope you don't mind if I'm also inspired to do a decade long retrospective of my sewing, because I think it's pretty exciting to have 10 years of garments to consider! I've loved following your journey, and I really appreciate your voice and the inspiration you bring to the sewing community. It's been a great decade of sewing - here's to the next!

  41. I remember that Macy's dress! Actually kind of surprised that my memory went back that far (I've got almost a decade on you...) and that I've followed your work for so many years. Really enjoyed your series of dresses that were excellent take offs of different designers. But I've also enjoy your shirt series, too. Don't comment often, but I do appreciate all the effort you put into your creations and your blog (even the political stuff...because I happen to agree with you). :)

  42. Fantastic achievement! The Macy's and Pleather/Ponte dresses are long favourites of mine - nailed it! The Myosotis' are all lovely as well. You are a true work horse of a maker, and I'm so grateful for all the inspiration and advice you've provided over the years, thank you. All the best for 2020 and beyond! Rachel

  43. Have truly enjoyed your blog. I'm a new(ish) follower and can appreciate your talent and technique. I turned 70 this year and am still sewing to please myself. Sometimes I make quilts and such, and, sometimes I make garments for myself. I learned to say "no" to others requests for sewing/alterations a very long time ago. Keep on keepin' on as we say in Texas.

  44. I must have started following you in'14 or'15; those makes look familiar to me and it tallies with when I started garment seeing for myself again after a hiatus of a couple of decades. I look forward to your posts and seeing what you've come up with, and I loved this retrospective.

  45. Carolyn,
    With looking back, I realize I have been following you about 10 years. You are always an inspiration and your comments and opinions, political and otherwise, are always thoughtful and interesting. I have not been sewing as much as I would like, for various reasons. However, I am determined to get back to doing something I love so much. It is a skill passed on from my mother and I think it honors her as well. I hope you will keep blogging as long as possible and I will keep following you.

  46. I remember the first dress, so I have been reading your blog at least that long. IFfy are lucky to have this documentation. I have always I would not have the time to maintain a blog, but I am jealous of your setting record. Some of the things I enjoy about your blog are the photographs, the commentary, the list of other blogs at the side to enable my "surfing" and that you sew in a similar fashion to me, using a base of TNTs to let your creativity soar.

  47. Hi Carolyn, I've been following since 2015. I'm pretty sure it was the black/blue maxi dress but it could have been the black/flowers dress. Getting back into sewing after many years away, I'd been searching for a blog by someone close to my own age (I'm 63). I follow a number of younger sewers too but you inspire me. I really love that your blog isn't only about sewing, but about you! Best wishes for the new decade, Tanya

  48. I've been following along time. Not sure when I started - but I did seem to remember all your makes! I very seldom comment but love you blog - politics as well as sewing. You're my daughters age! Best to you in 2020

  49. What a sewing legacy Carolyn!
    I've been sewing clothing 5 or 6 years, so that is how long I've been following and you've been mentoring. So thank you and God bless.

  50. I must have giggled a dozen times OH I KNOW THAT ONE! I have had the great pleasure of looking to your posts, your blog roll, your index, to come up with a solution to a problem (sewing and otherwise) for so long, my gratitude is deep. Now and then I get irritated with you;forgiveness is always just around the corner. We are the same age, but you're ten years ahead of me on the job/parent journey, and I do look to you to see what's in store. I have enjoyed your family, appreciate your sharing them, love you to pieces. Ten more, please!

    1. SJ - how have we not met in person yet? It feels like I know you well and still no irl meeting. Thank you, thank you, thank you sewing friend for always reading, commenting, suggesting and being supportive. You are a wonderful sewing friend!

  51. This is a beautiful post. I have only been on IG 4 years so I don't remember seeing many of these before. I am particularly inspired by the denim trench coat. I may have to add one to my closet. I do know I have followed you from the first time I came across a posting! Keep up the sewing and blogging as long as you feel comfortable. As another #sewingover60 our voices are needed in this community. I love that you talk about how poc were not accepted early on. These stories need to be told if are to learn and grow.

  52. I have been following you since 2015. I came into the blog as you were trying to figure out your new style. I remember having to google TNT to figure out what you were talking about! I now have one TNT swing dress that I self drafted and look forward to being creative with it! I always look forward to reading your blog.

  53. I Think I found your blog before 2011 since that is when I started mine and I had been inspired years before then to give it ( blogging ) a go . I love seeing your sewing but especially your fabric purchases too . I live in rural Australia so access to beautiful fabrics like yours is limited . You have a great natural style which your sewing reflects. I love that you use a mix of modern and older patterns and that you still use Big 4 .

  54. You really came into your own casual style. So much fun to see the last decade. Happy New Year and a good new decade of sewing.

  55. Hi Carolyn, i remember all of your wonderful creations, and I know I found the sewing blogs in 2008. Your blog also had me scrolling back to check out all the wonderful makes and how you used your TNT’s to create so many varied outfits. You are a wonderful inspiration.

  56. I'm not sure how long I've been reading - I think 4-5 years. As much as I enjoy your sense of style, my favorite part of your outfits is always your wonderful smile.

  57. Ahhh the lace Oscar de la Renta!!!! I also loved the maxi dress period! :)

    Congrats on an awesome 10 years!!

    1. One of the byproducts of writing this blog so long is that I've met some truly amazing people and they have become my friend. Thank you for your gift of friendship. I'm honored!!!

  58. I received this comment in my email and wanted to add it to the conversation:

    From Michelle:
    Hi, Carolyn — for some reason, I cannot post replies. I think I succeeded once in the past, but that was a fluke. I really want to send this to you because you’ve had a powerful impact on me. Apologies if I actually did post, several times today. Michele

    Hi, Carolyn! I started following you accidentally early 2012, after hand surgery. Hubby got me an iPad, and I was amazed at how much trouble I could get into with two fingers,an iPad, surfing the internet 🤗

    What blew me away was reading how you could visualize a way to capture the spirit of a garment in an ad (worn by a size two waif), and create a work of art to fit your personality as well as your body. (We have similar builds, tho I’m shorter and bustier)

    I went back and read everything from the beginning, absorbing what you shared. I'd had an older Singer I’d made a few things on, before I understood that I wasn’t doing things "right". Yup, stopped me in my tracks for almost thirty years.

    I very slowly regained a sense of possibility thru your blog. I’ve focused on other things the past decade, but discovered Sew Fit Designs, and Glenda Sparling's Body Blueprint process and classes to be able to fit my body. Putting these pieces together, I’ve made a few things, and am signed up to take a community college class about altering RTW clothes — I’ve got a lot of not-quite-right tops especially. And, I’m taking a second class, to really learn about how to use my machine.

    Lots of words here, yes. And I gratefully blame you for keeping this creative light on for me, as I move forward. I hope 2020 brings you joy, health, happiness, and you continue to be moved to share it with us.


  59. I remember the Macy's dress so I guess I have been with you since the very beginning. I have enjoyed your sharing of your journey through life's challenges and love how we so all of that affect your personal style, to the positive! I have to say my favorite, besides precious granddaughters ranking #1 of course, is the "autumn" colored velvet maxi. Wow, that looks great on you in every way, love it! This has been a fun tour, lots of memories. I had lots more comments back in the day as well. I still get new followers all the time but I think Insta has changed our mindset about commenting. I love the dialogue we all share with our blogs and followers. Thanks for being here, Carolyn, and may 2020 continue the great journey!

  60. I started following you around 2012, and enjoy your blog very much. Wishing you all the best for the new year and another productive decade of making and sharing.

  61. Hi Carolyn, I couldn't say when I started following you but your blog has been in my reader for many years. Congrats on (at least) 10 years of fabulous garments sewn.

  62. I think I started reading your blog in 2016 (I think) when I got a computer and internet back at home. I caught Marcy's blog about her booth at the Sewing Expo in Puyallup WA. And there you were and she noted your blog. It dawned on me at that point what sewing blogs even were. So I found you and added you to my favorite list. I would open it almost every day to see if you had something new or read the ones that you have on your site. And while I really enjoy a lot of different ones now, yours will always be one of my favorites.

    Your production is amazing to me. I used to try and sew an average of 50 pieces a year, an average of one a week. I haven't done that for awhile. I used to love to make dresses but I don't wear them at all now. But I love love love to see yours. And I think my favorite from above is the Macy dress. I kind of gasped when I saw it. But then there are the two from 2013 and a couple of others. You really are talented.

    I hope you continue to blog for a long while. Thank you for sharing your passion and your family with all of us. Jean

    1. Jean - that was huge for me when I went to Sew Expo and met Marcy Tilton. If I did a highlight reel of the last decade, that would definitely be included. Back in the day I did average a garment a week, that's no longer true because I don't need and also because lifestyle change. Mostly though thank you for following along and commenting so frequently that I look forward to your comments!

  63. I honestly can’t remember when. I started reading your blog. I would guess more than 10 years. Thanks for sharing and inspiring others.

  64. I think I started following you in 2011. That was when I started connecting with blogs because I was living in Italy where my husband was stationed and lonely. I really enjoyed your passion and your fearlessness in your sewing. I still do!

  65. Fairly new follower here. Interesting journey which has inspired me as I move from the formal corporate world to a more relaxed style on a budget.

  66. This was so interesting to see how your sewing journey has evolved. I started sewing and following you about 5 years ago. You have always been an huge inspiration to me and showed me that it was possible to sew colourful , stylish clothes for my plus size body. You have helped me in my sewing and in my acceptance of my body. I will always be enormously grateful to you for the confidence I feel today. Happy sewing and a huge heartfelt Thankyou. X

  67. I think I started following end of 2011 or 2012, altho the first garment I recognized right of the top of my head was the vogue 1370. Love your content (politics included 😉 ) and I will still be reading if you’re still posting in 2030!

  68. I have been following you for years, so long i don't remember. I do remember all these great garments. Best wishes for another fabulous 10 years.

    1. Vicki - I've known you from Sewing World/Stitchers Guild so like forever! I remember your sewing adventures vividly and miss seeing what you create since you no longer blog. Thank you for hanging around all these years and for taking the time to comment. It's appreciated more than you know!

  69. Happy New Year and Decade! I have been reading your blog for a couple of years. I just love your shirts and fabrics! It's lovely to see the dresses you made for your corporate lifestyle, you look very smart in them! Please keep blogging! XXX

  70. Thanks Carolyn for the walk back. I have been following you for about 6-7 years and I remain so impressed by your body of work. You do and I am sure will continue to inspire me. I have at times lost the Mojo, but a blog from you can usually spark me into creating something.
    I too love the indie patterns and have gone into knits more heavily as my professional Nursing career came to an end this year. I now work in an LQS and teach so my body of work is usually what I am wearing. Keep up the great work and inspiring us all. Pegeth

  71. It is always a delight to read your blog. It's fascinating to see how you can take a piece of fabric to a place I couldn't see. You have helped me return to sewing after years of "thinking about it". I've been following you for 4-5 years but rarely comment. I'm not an instagrammer so the fewer sewing blogs in the past few years is a loss. I understand that they are labor intensive but they do make a difference. I also hope to continue reading you into the next decade. Thanks!

  72. I remember the Macy's dress so I guess it was before 2010! 2009 maybe? What a decade of inspiration! I do love reading your posts. I love to see how you combine fabrics and trims. Happy New Year!

  73. I discovered your blog almost a decade ago during a pretty awful time in my life. Truth be told, (I actually found your blog because someone had complained about this blogger who had a big following but just makes the same dress over and over. I had to check it out.)
    I discovered the TNT, the "my blog, my rules"(a fabulous motto for life) and validation that it wasn't that sewing was something extraneous, it is a natural and necessary part of who I am...and I need a sewing cave (perfect terminology)
    This is a wonderful post that gets me reflecting too...
    BTW: for 2013, if I had to choose, I would consider the black crepe and pleather dress dress of the year because it shows a lifetime of technique (as does your nieces's prom dress)

    1. "I actually found your blog because someone had complained about this blogger who had a big following but just makes the same dress over and over. I had to check it out."

      I remember when I had that rep! LOL! I guess you could say the same thing now because I make the same shirt over and over again just with different fabric and embellishments! But I love a TNT pattern and I don't need to jump from thing to thing to enjoy the sewing process. PalK - thank you for following along so long...I'm truly honored!

  74. Hi Carolyn, WOW! I had forgotten about so many of those incredible dresses. You must have had a wonderful time looking through 10 years of your amazing creations.
    I rarely comment because of the huge volume here, but I've been following you since 2011, and you have been a never-ending source of inspiration. Your beautiful sewing and creativity were the reason I came here, but I stayed for the regular doses of straight talk and common sense, the community that you've built among your readers, and the fearless, articulate voice of a woman of my own age. I look forward to the next decade of your blog!

    1. Katrina - It was interesting going through the years. Some years I made 24/26 dresses - about 2 dresses a month - and while I did mostly use my TNT dress pattern the flights of fancy I took with it are inspiring to me even now. As for comments, I understand but a blogger always appreciates when someone takes the time to leave one. That way they know that they're not really talking to themselves!

  75. say, carolyn!
    i've been reading your blog since 2012. you and i are at opposite ends of the political spedtrum but standing right next to each other on the religious spectrum. see you in heaven if not here on earth (maybe both!). i so appreciate you sharing.--anne

  76. I think that in ten years you will write another 10-years summary and I still hope to be reading it. I like your blog even though we probably do not wear the same style, but it is just the right level of interesting talk about sewing and style and it is very inspiring. Just keep sewing! (and blogging of course :) )

  77. Hi, I guess I started reading your blog regularly in 2017 because I recognize the garments you showed for that year. I am in awe of your productivity and sewing skills. May the next decade be good to you!

  78. The black crepe and leather dress is my favorite! I love seeing your artistry and reading you! Hope you

  79. I only came across your blog a couple of years ago, so your amazing corporate era dresses are all new to me. I love the way that you have such a clear idea of your style and what you want to make, and I'm in awe of your productivity!

  80. Hello Carolyn! I'm from Germany, so american politics amuse (and for the last few years scare) me. I live in a part of the world where racism is rare, so the state America is in apalls me and I hope it will get better again for you all.
    I've been following you since late 2016, I think, because I remember that Coat. You've inspired me to buy quite a few patterns, and to develop my style (which I haven't found quite yet) so please do go on sewing and blogging, cause I will be following and reading to the end. ;-)

  81. I don't know exactly when I started following you; however, when I did find your blog, it's the first one I check out when I sit down at my laptop and I know I did go back to the very beginning and read ALL your posts from the very beginning. (I like to know what I missed!)
    I really love your ingenious use of border prints and piping. You turn TNT's into masterpieces! I too, am plus sized and reading your blog has inspired me to be brave with trying new techniques, styles, embellishments and colors in my sewing. Thank you very much for being a role-model with sewing and speaking your truth with politics. I can always count on you to present things clearly and sensibly. Keep on bloggin'! Lesley a.k.a. SewZolaMarie

  82. Hi! I started following you last year or thereabouts, and I love your design eye, your honesty and your values. Loved this post especially! X

  83. Carolyn, I just wanted to add that while I may not comment as often I would like; however, your blog is one that I check often for more content.Your blog and style of writing has always been one that I most have enjoyed over the many years that I've been a reader.

    1. Candice - thanks for checking in! I was wondering what you were up too! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  84. I've been following you for more than 10 years, gulp.
    I remember that first dress so well, I can't believe it's from 2010.
    Your creativity, and productivity, is quite inspiring.

  85. I started following you just this year, from a link from Cashmerette, I think, or the Curvy Sewing Collective. Your makes inspire me a lot! And I appreciate your frequent posts. But I have a question: which medication was it that made you lose 40 lbs?!!! I need some of that! lol

    1. Don't forget the stress of losing my job and I did change my diet - 40lbs poof! Fast forward 5 years and most of the weight is back! LOL!

  86. I think you and your sewing are fabulous! I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your new garments, you are a sewing inspiration to me! Hope the new year brings you everything you wish for!

  87. Great post! Followed you for more than a decade and still checking in. :-)

  88. Thank you for sharing your makes with us for a decade plus!! I've been following you since 2011 at least, maybe even a bit before that ... and it has been wonderful to get to "know" you so well through the medium of the internet!

  89. Apparently I've been following you the whole decade, since I recognized all of these. That terrific Macy's Dress from 2010 still pops into my head once in a while -- love everything about it! But I've only commented once (on a post where you asked who was out there lurking, and why they didn't comment!), so I had to leave another just to let you know that I am still quietly appreciating all that you share -- your sewing process, creative makes, and well-written posts. Thanks for the last 10 years, I will continue to enjoy your blog as long as you choose to post!

    Natasha in San Francisco

  90. Great post, Carolyn! I've been blogging since 2009, and since I definitely remember the Macy's dress, I think I must be a long-time follower :-) Keep doing what you do, and BTW: I love that Lafayette 148 knock-off!

  91. I remember most of these garments! I've been following you at least 10 years, although rarely commenting. I'm so happy to have met you at Sew Camp! I hope 2020 starts out productive and continues to be a great year for you.

  92. I don't know how long I've been following your blog. For some reason I don't get notifications although I've subscribed several times so it is a bit hit and miss. I loved that there was a plus size woman blogging about her sewing and that was amazing to me. I'm so sorry to read that you got fired, I thought you left the job from choice. I love your border print work and the little details you put into your garments. Picking a favourite is impossible!

  93. I discovered you through another website in 2017 when I was just starting to sew clothes for myself again (now in plus size). What drew me to your sewing is the way you can take a TNT pattern and make it so many different ways. To me, you are one of (if not THE MOST) creative people I've had the joy of 'knowing'. I love your use of piping, mixing fabrics, use of pleather, and also for being true to yourself and unapologetically speaking your mind on YOUR blog. Thanks for all the inspiration. I'll keep on reading every time you come into my mail box......

  94. Hi Carolyn from Jacqui in New Zealand. I have been following you from almost the beginning and you followed me when I blogged as the dementedkiwi. I have struggled with depression for many years and maintaining the blog became too much. I love ALL your posts and it is a highlight of my weekend to have a new post from you. I have got back into sewing and just love all the inspiration from your shirt making in particular. It is a dream ( saving hard) to come to New York to meet you and of course fabric shop. All the best for the new decade and thank you for all your wonderful sharing.

  95. I remember reading the post when you made that Macy's dress. I can't believe it's been a decade. This post made me smile. 😊

  96. Great post! I started following you in 2012, when a painful back injury kept me from sewing. The silver lining of that horrible period was that I discovered the online sewing community. I had no clue sewing blogs existed! It was a discovery that changed my hobby from a solitary one to being inspired by sewists from all over the world. I remember your corporate style and labsolutely oved the black crepe and pleather dress. Over the years my style also changed from corporate to more casual. My favourite from recent years is the denim trench coat. Wishing you all the best for a creative new decade!

  97. Thank you for sharing your beautiful makes. The wool Crepe pleat her knock off is my favorite plus the trench. Your sewing skills amaze me. Happy sewing in 2020!

  98. Carolyn, Happy New Year!!! I have been following your blog off and on since about 2009 I think. I'm not a garment sewer. I'm more of a quilter/craft sewer, but I enjoy reading your blog because you are passionate about what and how you sew. I also appreciate your outlook on life, your honesty, and most especially your creativity. It is inspiring and I might yet take the plunge and sew myself a shirt :) because you make it look doable. Like many others, I appreciate the care with which you sew and your ability to communicate your passion. I love that you share your love of sewing but also share when your sewjo takes a vacation. It's helpful to know that I'm not the only one who loses the energy and creativity at times. Thank you for sharing openly and honestly and being a bright spot in the world! Teresa

  99. Great post! I think I started following you in 2013. I really loved the Lafayette 148 inspired black crepe pleather dress. Keep up the post and I will continue to follow.
    Happy New Year!

  100. Such a fun walk down memory lane - I've been following along since pre-2010 as I too remember the Macy's dress. I also don't comment often as I use a reader on my phone, but I do enjoy all your posts.
    Happy New Year and I hope your sewjo provides us with lots of inspiration this year!

  101. Enjoyed this post. Thank you for sharing about the sale of the Big4! I wouldn't have known otherwise. You've made some beautiful garments! I'm still following in spite of your politics!


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