
Monday, November 24, 2014

McCalls 6844 in Pictures

I thought I'd share some pictures of me wearing the McCalls 6844 sweater jacket. The dress is my Bubble Dress made at the end of the summer & worn with the jacket. All construction information for the sweater jacket is in this post

Warning: this post is a little picture heavy

Here is how I will wear it to work...

Close up of the collar and cuffs

This is how I will wear it out...

...since it's holiday time and I tend to go out with friends more during this time of the is how I will wear it out.

Love how the sweater jacket dips 
a little lower in the back!

...and it covers the important parts! 

I'm wearing the McCalls 6844 cardigan with a bow-tied version of the Sewing Workshop Mission Tank and RTW leggings.  

Honestly, this is a new closer look than I've normally worn.  The recent weight loss made this outfit possible...however, it's also playing havoc with my sewing. All of the side seams on garments have to be adjusted for the inches lost. I know I should be happy but I'm seriously stressing! *LOL*

This is what I'm working on next ~

I pinned this to one of my boards on Pinterest, saw it last week during the cold snap and thought I would love to have this sweater jacket to wear this winter. 

Pulled this gray/white ponte from the collection and will add two silver closures that I found at Pacific Trimmings at the neckline and at the bustline also possibly some patch pockets. 

I will use this Vogue 8840 pattern which is sadly out of print...

...yes, I'm totally influenced by the pretty jackets that Nikki from Beaute' J'adore just made.

One final picture...of me and Miss Sammy who is 10 months old now and is the sweetest baby evah! Seriously, she has the sweetest disposition so totally different from her brother and sister.

Up next is The Fabric Inspiration Dress... always more later!


  1. Very nice combos. McCall's 6844 is a winner in so many ways.

  2. Great outfits!That jacket is so versatile. Well done :)

  3. Two lovely outfits. You look great.

  4. You are rocking it in those leggings! Love the jacket, love the whole look.

  5. You look great in this new fitted look, very fierce!

  6. This is a great outfit and you are looking so healthy and just glowing! I'm liking the look of the coming jacket.

  7. You look beautiful. You are looking healthy and your skin has a pretty glow. I love the pantsuit. Awesomeeeee!

  8. Love all of it!! Your jacket is awesome and I love how you've styled it for both work and play. Always love seeing pics of your cute grandkids. :)

  9. Adore this jacket! It's so flattering and wearable. You read my mind with that grey sweater coat - I've been thinking I need something similar and I have 6 yards of a marle grey fleece burning a hole in my stash.

  10. This jacket is so good! Love it! And your sweater jacket is going to be so great, too!!!

  11. You look amazing and I love the effect of the liquid leather on the jacket!

  12. Oh my! Your cardigan is so cute. It looks great with both outfits. I bet you get lots of mileage out of this one. I have been debating about getting this pattern. I don't care for the peplum view, but I sure like the view you made.

  13. that sweater jacket is going to be a great look and you look fantastic in the casual outfit - fun to see you in that.

  14. That sweater jacket looks great with the dress. I love how you style it with the pants and ankle booties. I have to seriously get that vogue pattern. It seem like it very versatile.

  15. Love the casual look. That jacket is going to be very versatile in your wardrobe.

  16. We so rarely see you in casual and it is just as chic your work wear.

  17. Carolyn, you look very sassy in some of those poses and I like seeing you in your offwork attire. The bubble dress is just great, so cheerful and fun and that jacket, well, I want that jacket!

  18. Love that jacket / cardi. Looks so much better on you and fantastic with the bubble dress. Congrats on the weight loss. Sammy is such a cutie.

  19. I know that I commented on your Instagram, but I had to reiterate that you are so working this casual wear..I love it and you look fantastic!

  20. That is one spiffy jacket and it looks great on you!

  21. Don't stress! You're looking fantastic and your clothes fit just fine :-)

  22. Dear Caroline, although I've been reading your blog for as long as I can remember (probably somwhere in 2007-8) I almost never comment because I use RSS readers. But today I had to stop by to say that YOU LOOK AMAZING in your legging/jacket outfit. AMAZING. That's it, i will go back to my quiet lurking.

  23. Carolyn, that jacket is just Wow! Actually the entire red outfit, I LOVE a lot on you.

  24. Woohoo!!!! Looking good and styling!

  25. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! And such a beautiful baby!!

  26. OMG, love the outfits you created with the cardigan and they look great on you! I made the peplum versions of this pattern but prefer the view you made up.
    Pretty baby! I can't believe 10 months have went by already.

  27. Love that jacket with the leather detail. Totally fabulous. And a very super cute little bubba too.

  28. Wow, Carolyn, this jacket is fantastic. I love both ways of wearing it. It really makes that dress look amazing, and yet it dresses down perfectly with the leggings. Love those leggings, BTW. You look fantabulous.

  29. I love this "picture heavy post"--the jacket is amazing and you're little Sammy is so adorable!

  30. BABE!! You look amazing!! I really love seeing you in brighter colors! Though the black look is hot, too!

  31. I have enjoyed your blogs very much and I hope you return after a break. I love your honesty. All the best,
    Sally-Ann, Sanquhar, Scotland

  32. Love the sweater jacket with the bubble dress, but just have to say you look fantastic wearing it with the blouse and leggings.


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