Friday, February 14, 2014

My Top Ten Sewing Blogs

The other night I was reading through my bloglovin' list...which had gotten quite full...and I found these two posts by Madalynne, Best Sewing Blogs 2014 - Part One and Part Two.  It's an interesting list but what caught my attention was that she typed into Google the simplest key words for finding a sewing blog, "best sewing blogs."  From that exercise, Madalynne went on to email every blogger on her blog roll (over a hundred) to gather their lists of "the best of" categories she created.  If you click on the links above you can see the final list.

I went to bed that night but that list kept coming back to me because it's a wonderful list full of talented, young sewists.  It's the perfect list for the new sewist, the young and hip sewist, or the returning to sewing sewist but what if you are a more advanced sewist?  What if you've moved past learning to sew and are looking for more?  What if you've been at this a minute and you've seen the various cycles come and go in the sewing community? Seen pattern makers and patterns come and go?  Styles change? Even the way you sew change? Where do you go to advance to the next level?  Do you wait for the community you're presently following to take you there or do you step out on your own and look for more?

Sometimes when I'm traveling through the vast sewing blogland, it can seem the newer/just learning/rediscovering sewing sewists are in one group and the sewist who has been sewing for years in another one. Lately I've felt there needs to be a bridge between those two segments bringing us all together because we're all really in love with the same thing - the art of taking a flat piece of fabric and turning it into a three dimensional garment.  Whether we refashion it, we make a vintage garment, we sew for children or our homes, we sew the latest fashions or we sew amazing art to wear garments, we are all passionate about the same thing - creating using needle, thread and fabric.

So to totally riff off Madalynne, I've listed ten sewing blogs that make me a better sewist.  Please realize that this is my list and I'm going to give you the opportunity to tell me yours at the end of this post.

MY Top Ten Sewing Blogs~
Here are my ten.  Ten women who inspire me.  Ten women who make me think about my sewing journey and how to improve and continue to grow.  Ten amazing sewing women:

1. SunnyGal Studio Sewing
First choice hands down.  I've learned so much from Beth lately that it has me rethinking how I sew. I highly encourage you to visit her blog to take your sewing to the next level!

2. Ann of Gorgeous Things
The Pressinatrix...need I say more! Okay I will ~ seriously pressing is so important to a great finished garment and Ann has you totally covered there.

3. Rolling in Cloth
Claudine sews out of the box, amazingly, awesome garments. She sews what I'd like to wear but can't because of my workplace. Her journeys are always fun and interesting.

4. Frabjous Couture
Marina IS a couture sewist. She drafts and sews "the couture" way. I learn so much from her and now she's talking about hand still my heart!

5. A Challenging Sew
I've just found Leisa's blog in the last six months and I'm fascinated with her Little French Jackets, the sew-along and now her Marfy adventures, it all makes me want to sew better!

6. SewPassionista by Diana
Diana has amazing tutorials and she sews for her retired/casual lifestyle which is the opposite of mine. However, she makes wonderful pieces that are thoughtful well sewn garments.

7. Sigrid - sewing projects
Sigrid sews the most awesome lingerie.  I have no desire to sew lingerie but I always have my nose pressed up against the glass - figuratively - when she posts a new lingerie make.  Also, she is a thoughtful sewist and I love to read about her journeys.

8. Couture et Tricot
I want to be Tany when I grow up.  Her sewing and tailoring skills are extraordinary.  She took a short break to have her son but she is back and turning out jaw-dropping garments.  Definitely check her out!

9. The Mahogany Stylist
Cennetta always says I inspire her but I learn so much from her. Her pattern alterations are awesome and easy to follow.  Now she's blogging for the Mood Sewing Network so expect some seriously fantastical garments come your way!

10. Sew Melodic
Melody is my new blog crush but the girl brings it. The detail and work she puts into her garments, the pattern alterations she makes and the fact that she's a little bit vintage and a little bit current...awesome!

The Art to Wear Stitchers ~
I have one other sewing blogger list to share.  It's a smaller list but their sewing is different and original.  It's out of the box and they sew from the patterns that aren't widely shared on the popular blogs...but people these women bring it!  I call these the Art to Wear Stitchers and they are:

1.  Communing with Fabric
Shams sews, dyes, uses unusual closures and loves Style Arc patterns.  Her garments make me look at the sewing process differently.  I love her style even though its so different from mine.

2.  A Fool for Fabric
Margy sews these amazing garments that have an artistic slant. Her latest garment a studded jacket was just a feast for the eyes and a wonderful learning experience.  I always look at patterns differently after she uses them.

3.  Myrna Giesbrecht
Myrna's blog is really about the journey and the process.  How do you get there?  What choices do you make? How do to this better? It's always an interesting read.

4.  Marcy Tilton
The Queen of Art to Wear sewists.  Her blog is an orgy of garments that use unusual fabrics, different sewing techniques and those Vogue patterns that she designs.

Fashion Bloggers ~
I follow three and only three true fashion bloggers.  I like them because they are concise, to the point and give me 3 or 4 good pictures of their outfits. I'm not hammered over the head with their looks.  These are the three I follow...

Your choices ~
Now if you've made it this far, here is your opportunity to tell me what blogs you like. What are your go to blogs - the ones you can't do without!?!  

Here's the criteria ~ 
  • Please do not list a blog that's already been included in this post.  
  • Also there's no need to list mine, I mean you're here reading so obviously you like mine.  
  • List your top five with the designation if they are a sewing blog, a fashion blog, vintage, art to wear or other by using the letter designation below.  
                              S - sewing blog
                              F - fashion blog
                              V - vintage
                              A - Art to Wear
                              O - other

You have until Friday, February 21st to submit your choices.  I will close the comments that evening, compile the list and The Top Ten Viewer Choice blogs will be posted here on Sunday, February 23rd. All of the lists will be added to a page at the top of my blog for everyone to peruse again and again. 

I hope you'll participate.  It will really be interesting to see what a cross section of bloggers think are their go to sewing blogs.  Remember we are building bridges...joining our sewing community together...celebrating the uniqueness of each and every one of us! Okay with the rah rah said, get those typing fingers ready and comment! *LOL* always more later!


  1. So glad you're doing this to bridge the gap. I would add S-la Sewista, Madalynne, A Fashionable Stitch, Handmade by Carolyn; F-You Look Fab; O-Fashion Incubator.

  2. I'm going to add one that I have just discovered. She really thinks out of the box and is a true artist (so A for art to wear): Rice Freeman-Zachery at "Notes from the Voodoo Cafe"

  3. How fun!!! I'll have to go through my blog roll

  4. You would be on my list! I LOVE reading you Carolyn and you are such a supportive lady. I don't comment near enough, but you are such an inspiration to me. Here's a couple I look forward to reading:

    S - Mainely Dad. I love Duane. He makes the most amazing menswear and he is so funny. He gives great advice on tailoring too.
    S - Sewing on the Edge. Barbara makes me laugh so hard. She's so easy going and I love it. It's seriously, seriously great.

  5. Off the top of my head: S - Goodbye Valentino and Rhonda's Creative Life, F/O: The Vivienne Files. I'll have to go through my blog roll and come back with more.

  6. This is fascinating! I'm definitely part of the newer and younger group of sewers. When I saw Madalynn's list, I recognized all but 1 of the blogs she listed. On your list, I only recognize 2! And of the 2, I rarely actually really read them because often the topics are completely over my head. I skim them, but I hope as I learn more and more techniques I'll be able to read them as much as i do the hip sewists.

    That is also why I now adore patternreview. My first year of sewing I avoided that website because the interface was so ugly, and only in the last few months have I come to use it and really appreciate how helpful and encouraging the members are there.

    Off to check our your list!

  7. Cool - I will have a couple more awesome sewing blogs to read.
    My favs are:
    s- Goodbye Valentino
    s-Southern Matriarch (beautiful smocking)
    s-Two on Two off
    s- Sew Intriguing
    s- Fit for a Queen
    Plus lots of others, but you said top 5!
    Have a good weekend.

  8. Thank you! I am totally feeling loved on Valentines Day!

  9. I love Mary at Idle Fancy, Katy and Laney, Handmade by Carolyn, and Cation Designs!

  10. For fashion blogs, I am extremely inspired by Style Crone and Advanced Style. I just get so lifted up by studying the style of women who really know themselves.

  11. Wow this is a great post! I can see my blog roll is going to grow enormously with this! Hmmm will have to think on nominations though.

  12. Goodbye Valentino, Handmade by Carolyn, La Sartora, and Lower Your Presser Foot.
    They are all sewing blogs. I like Roobedoo too, although she also posts about knitting. I've just spent a happy hour investigating all the blogs you mentioned - and added some of them to my bloglovin'! Great suggestions - thanks!

  13. Why didn't I think about that! Wonderful idea!

  14. Thank you for posting this -- I read Mad.'s blog recommendations and thought the same thing --- in fact I was going to post on this myself (but I am glad you did) -- I've been crazy at work. I concur heartily with your recommendations!!!

  15. Good for you for taking my list to the next level. You're name was given in many of the responses I received, and I totally agree with them. I very much enjoy your blog. If it were up to me, you'd be one of the fastest seamstress. You blow me out of the water.

    Gosh, I really hope that my list didn't come out as biased because that's not what I intended. Sure, I emailed every blogger I followed, so that could be skewed, but no "awards" are 100% objective. Even after the Oscars are given, people hoot and holler that the "right" movies or actors didn't win. I could have approached the contest differently (which I plan to in 2015), but I hope that we can overlook them this year, and focus on the winners and those who didn't win.

    1. Maddie - in no way did I intend to say that your list was biased. I was just trying to elevate the conversation...and besides showing off our creations, talking about what we make and how we make it...aren't we all just having a conversation? This is just continuing the very interesting conversation you started.

    2. I couldn't agree more! I'm excited to see the next batch of winners.

  16. Love this post and I agree with your top ten and art-to-wear bloggers!

  17. Sewing blog: fashion incubator
    Fashion blog: Tom & Lorenzo, Putting Me Together
    Other (for inspiration): Cabi

  18. Madalynne -- I too very much liked your list -- I merely thought yes, there are different groups of sewers out there -- I'm glad I'm finding more blogs!

    1. Carolyn: I love these blogs, by the way
      1. K-Line
      2. Erika B
      3. Two on Two off
      4. Dr Fun Living La Vida Loca (Sister)
      5. Katy's Sewing Blog, Kadiddlehopper
      6. Slapdash Sewists
      7. Miss Celie's Pants

      Among others that I probably should list and read every day -- I'll have to revisit this post.

  19. Miss Celie's Pants
    The Slapdash Sewist
    Goodbye Valentino

    and 2 that are now MIA but I still re-read regularly for guidance

    The Selfish Seamstress
    Green Apples

    all sewing blogs

  20. My favorite sewing blogs are EricaB, Sheilaz-CTK, and Coletterie. For style, I read EricaB, My Small Wardrobe, MaiTai's Picture Book, Outfit Posts and Style by Fluent.

  21. Hi Carolyn :) I coudn't agree more with that sentiment! There is SO MUCH out there, and it's sometimes a little too easy to get caught up in the pool that matches your own style. It was about 2 months ago that I consciously started seeking out sewing blogs that are outside of my little fishbowl. I've found some seriously amazing and inspiring blogs from passionate sewists that I never would have come across otherwise. Specifically for me, I'm looking at the older ladies - those who make style theirs and theirs alone. So, whilst I adore nearly all of the ladies you've listed (plus a few new-to-me that I'm about to go check out) - here are mine:
    S - Fool For Fabric
    S - Communing with Fabric
    S - Adventuras de costuras
    S - Ooobop
    S - Lower your presser Foot
    S - Handmade by Carolyn


  22. Great discussions and great ways to find new people. A few of my favorites are EricaB - DIY Style, Handmade by Carolyn, Real Life:Live and Unscripted, sewingontheedge, and sewmanju. All of these are sewing blogs, but I also get a lot of fashion ideas from them, too.

  23. S: Amanda's Adventures in Sewing is my favorite. I miss the Selfish Seamstress and Assorted Notions.

  24. Thank you Carolyn, I'm sure this accounted for the bunch of new followers today. I'm really proud to be in your top 10.

  25. I havnt included Art to Wear as I get my inspiration from these ladies
    Sewing Blogs:
    Diary of a sewing Fanatic (of course!)
    Sewing on the Edge
    La sewista

    Fashion Blog - only one
    Lady of Style

    My Happy Sewing Place
    New Vintage Lady
    We Sew Retro
    Lilac and Lace

    I can see me adding quite a few more to these after I have finished browsing through your lists and the different ones in the comments!

  26. Thanks for sharing so many great blogs!
    All I might add is We Sew Retro. I love seeing everything old being made new again.

  27. I feel so stupid;was going to ask if you would consider putting them on your links and found the show all button (big duh moment). I think it may be me and the dark print. Anyway part of these are new to me and I look forward to knowing I can link to them from here if I am hunting a good sewing read. Your blog is a regular for me so it's perfect for me to expand your blog links when I want to read some of these. I have so much stuff bookmarked already I would just lose them in all that. Your blog is a regular stop for me so really glad I found your expanded list of places to visit.

  28. I would like to add The Sewing Lawyer. She sews & knits. Amanda's Adventures in Sewing is another favorite.

  29. Thank you again for including me made my day! I would like to add a very new blog to the list..Cloning couture, she has not been blogging long, but her experience and garments are amazing.
    Fashion blogs - Gary Pepper and Couture Snob..lots of inspiration and great pics..Frocks and rou frou - well written and Lilli always looks lovely.
    Vintage - Wearing history blog - incredibly interesting, lots of details.

  30. The scary thing about these lists is just how many sewing blogs exist! It's so exciting to find new blogs, but HOLY COW, my Bloglovin is a disaster! :)

    I'm a huge fan of:
    S- Urban Don. Mainly menswear, everything is completely unique and looks AMAZING. Absolutely check it out if you haven't seen it already!
    S- Mainely Dad. Lots of Japanese sewing patterns and tailoring. His coats are to die for!!!

  31. Thank you Carolyn for the incredible compliments - I am honored! I am a very scattered blog reader and tend to look every day for sewists who make a pattern that I have overlooked. I love to see how different people interpret the style with different fabrics or treatments. So I am happy to see a new post from Sewmanju in the UK, she has such a knack for choosing patterns that are great on her.
    I do read the Fug Girls blog most days, for my dose of humor and a look at the fashion faux pas of the stars.

  32. Thank you for posting this. I've been a little disillusioned with sewing blogs lately, but this new batch look like some great people who actually know what they're doing.

  33. Thank you for doing this! I like both new and experienced sewists blogs. For a while I gravitated towards the ones that made the styles I like. Not anymore! For me it's about methods, color combinations, types of fabric and inspiration. More "inspiration" than anything. Among my favorites are:
    s-Jilly be joyful
    s-camp runamuck
    s-under the wisteria
    s-la sewesta
    s-sewing on the edge.

  34. Oy. Just when The Old Reader has forced me to pare my subscription list down to 100 blogs, you introduce me to a few more that are so worth following...gonna hafta jump TOR ship...

    Several of those you have listed are 'must reads' for me, too, but I've got a few more that I would never cull from the list...

    Sewing blogs: Barbara at Sewing on the Edge, Beth at The Rusty Bobbin, Sarah at Goodbye Valentino, Onnaballoona, Pam Erny at Off the Cuff, Rhonda Buss at Rhonda's Creative Life

    I guess I'd have to put Kathleen Fasanella at The Fashion Incubator into the 'Other' category; she's primarily blogging about the sewn product industry, but she has so much incredible technical/pattern drafting info that I've got to include her as one of the folks who raise my sewing bar. If she should be in the Sewing category, please correct me. ;-)

    I have followed and unfollowed a number of fashion bloggers, but there are two that continually help me refine how I think of wearing clothes. These are Pseau at une femme d'un certain age and Janice at The Vivienne Files, who has been the influence and inspiration for my SWAP wardrobe plan.

    Great post and lots to look at and think about!

  35. Thank you so much Carolyn. You put a smile on my face. I'm serious. You are an inspiration. I'm honored to be in the group of creative women.

    1. You so deserve to be on my list! You can sew your behind off - do I need to mention the striped jacket YET again! *LOL*

    2. Thank you! ;-) I'm glad you think so. I'm still learning.

      It's always hard for me to select favorite sewing blogs. Everyone shares something useful or provides inspiration. To name five: Diary of a Sewing Fanatic, Ann's Gorgeous Things, Beth of SunnyGal Studio, Tany of Couture et Tricot, SewPassionista by Diana, and my home girl Rhonda Buss of Rhonda's Creative Life. Oops, that's six. These are my top SIX.


  36. I'm going to participate, but later. I'm posting on my phone. I'm better about it on the computer. So I'll be back!

  37. Ooh, more blogs to love! My faves are Shelley at,, (found her looking for instructions on the devilish Vogue hat, (costume construction and more), and for design and pattern inspiration, the fashion student blog and, of course, Melissa Fehr at Amen to the others mentioned here, and I look forward to a lazy day crawling through your links!

  38. Ok. My favourites are lower your pressure foot, salme , kbenco, the slapdash sexist and yours! I also have another category for Lapsed sewing blogs - hungry zombie couture, Julia's and eugenies sewing blogs and behind the seams. I hope they are well but I sure do miss their blogs

  39. Great list.

    Carolyn and you have done a great job of identifying really some of the most useful and instructive resources in blogland. Many thanks to those sewers who have given their time to go above and beyond and teach us how to do it ourselves, not just show us pictures of their achievements. I don't often take the time to do this myself and I am grateful to those who do.

    I would add a few.

    For a wonderful and tasteful and discerning eye for wearable fashion I would add Trini at it saves me so much time not having to continually trawl the fashions sites to see her picks. Brilliant.

    I am of course also a fan of Debbie Cook at Stitchesandseams - this is a real person with a real life, a great sense of humour and the best information anywhere on how to effectively use a coverhem.

    Finally I read Adrienne at because she makes some wonderful clothes and, let's face it, I like the look of what she is making for dinner over at her house, nice family blog, I like that too.

    To sum up in every sewer's life there is a season. When my kids were younger I was an achievement sewer and did a lot of studying, practicing and perfecting. I think I needed to insert a little quality where there was chaos. That followed by a sort of production stage when I was trying to churn out a ton of work clothes that fit. Different information needs, less learning and more sewing. Right now with the formal clothes for work life over and a more whatever you want thing going on at the current workplace I am most interested in finding out what expresses me, being more creative. I have good skills because of earlier investments in time and effort but I only use what I want to when I am self expressing. I feel the thrill now from liking what I sew and not in mastering some skill. I can tailor but don't because the life doesn't need it and I am not sure it suits me for example. My blog reading shifts with my needs and I only hope that all sewers take the time to venture out of their comfort zones and discover who they will be next.

    1. Ack! how did I forget Debbie Cook!! Yes, yes and yes!

  40. What a fantastic read. Thank you. Your readers have left extremely interesting comments and links that are going to have me at the screen for more time than usual. 😀. I am retired now and trying to come to grips with what suits me best now and how to adjust patterns for my shape. You have given me so many resources to check out. So grateful to everyone.

  41. What a nice surprise, Carolyn! I am feeling much loved, too! (I had gotten behind on my blog posts and wondered why I had a slew of new followers today. I checked my stats and, voila.)

    I know you aren't fishing for compliments, but the admiration is mutual! You have amazing skills at morphing the TNT pattern and I enjoy seeing what you make as career-wear.

  42. Wow, Carolyn...what an honor to be in your list! I have been an admirer of yours for a long time, and particularly enjoy seeing how you "reinvent" your favorite patterns for a new look.
    Being a part of sewing/fashion blogland has changed my life and added an extra fillip
    to sewing and designing for's so wonderful to be able to share and be inspired by
    people who "get" it!

  43. Thank you so much for listing my blog Couture et Tricot, Carolyn!! I feel deeply honored! You blog is one of my favorite reads too! I'll try to list my faves on time, lol (I'm bit short of time, my weekend didn't go as planned at all). Hugs from Portugal!

  44. MimiGStyle, EricaB, Couture et Tricot, Stitches and Seams, Beaute' J'adore, Kadiddlehopper, Adrienne's Little World, AllisonC Sewing Gallery, Sewing Engineer, Off The Cuff.....I have tons more but can't list them all. I've read most of the blogs for years and frequently reference for tips and tutorials.....Debbie Cook (Behind the Seams) for her cover stitch information amongst other things and MimiGStyle for her top notch tutorials and just to see what she's wearing, LOL.

  45. Thank you so much for sharing some of these new-to-me sewing blogs! Very, very inspiring. I do love to see people sewing at a far higher standard than me - it's really inspiring and aspirational.

  46. Oh My Goodness, Carolyn. You picked me!! I'm so happy! Thank you so much!!
    Of course yours is my all time favorite but since I can't pick you, here are my others.
    I love Amanda Of Amanda's Sewing Adventures (Fashion), Cenneta oh Mahogany Stylist (Sewing) Shams of Communing with Fabrics (Art), Rosy of Sewing Addicta (Vintage).and Sharon of Petite and Sewing ( for inspiration, ). This is such a great idea! You are a gem!

  47. I love your list! Thank you for sharing it!
    I'd add
    The Dreamstress ( - you'd have to call it Vintage but Leimomi is really a textile historian with an extensive interest in historical fashion and a willingness to share techniques. Also, she is from Hawai'i and does some fascinating posts about the history and culture of the island kingdom. She does a regular feature called Rate The Dress, where she presents and discusses a dress from a chosen period in history and asks people to rate it - it makes me look carefully at details of dresses that I would never wear. Great for getting your eye in!
    Anne at ClothingEngineer - excellent, clearly written and photographed posts of Anne's projects. She sews a lot of Style Arc patterns for a smart casual lifestyle and gives useful details about fabric and construction. She's friendly too :-)
    Peter of - just for fun, and because he shares his successes and failures and makes me laugh.

  48. Lilacs and Lace S, V Some excellent information in this blog.

  49. Wow I had to really narrow it down out of my 100's of blogs I follow.
    But here goes-
    F- Mimi G Style
    S, F- Adrienne from Real Life:Live and Unscripted
    S- Victoria from Ten Thousand Sewing Hours
    S, F- Erica B.'s DIY Style
    S, V- Gertie from Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing
    S, F- Faye from Faye's Sewing Adventure
    and I could go on, because different people inspire me for different reasons.
    I can't wait to see the compiled list.
    Have a great day.

  50. Thanks so much for this list. I really like what you are doing here. I often wonder if we aren't making sewing just the next fashion place where only if you are gorgeous, hip and young are you accepted. A lot of my favorite blogs have been listed already. Pattern Scissor and Cloth was also a favorite of mine and I like to go back for her professional tips. Fashion incubator is great too...more a professional look on sewing but really interesting nonetheless for the amateur.

  51. Hi Carolyn! I'm new to your blog, and I love that you're sharing your own list of favorite blogs and blog categories. I'm always in awe of Claudine's projects and was really excited to see her name here. I'm new-ish to sewing (5 years in) and have a feeling I could learn a lot from your other top blogs (only about a third of them were familiar to me). I'm going to take some time to look through them and enjoy them. I also really like the idea of bridging age/experience and interest gaps - when I was just starting out, advice and encouragement from more experienced sewists meant the world to me. It still does! I'd also love to put in a vote for Handmade by Carolyn's blog (S).

  52. WOW! Thanks for sharing. I knew we had similar tastes and some of your favorites are also on my list. However, I want to thank you for introducing me to a few that I was not aware of... some of which I will definitely be following. Since I'm laid up right now, recuperating from surgery, I have plenty of time to just sit and read. A perfect time to catch up on sewing blogs as well as other things I left on the shelf waiting for me to have time for them.

    Happy stitching.

  53. The Pressinatrix is delighted to hear that her lesser self, er - alter ego made your list! :)

  54. Sewing: Did you make that?, Handmade by Carolyn, Goodbye Valentino, Miss Celie's Pants, and of course Oonabaloona.

    Fashion: Seersucker and Saddles

    Other: I look to Fresh Hues, and The Vivienne Files for color inspiration.

  55. Hi Carolyn, I knew I already exceeded my limit, LOL, but I have to make sure I mention Lori's blog, Girls In The Garden. I love everything she makes and her clothing choices are very similiar to what I like to wear. I'll stop now because I could easily list another ten blogs, haha.

  56. I love HandmadeByCarolyn, KBenco, ScruffyBadger, DidYouMakeThat, Lower Your Presser Foot and a recent couple of finds Lauriana of petit main sauvage, and Kathryn of YesILikeThat.

  57. Thank you Caroline for this post. Here is my list:

    Lori-Girls in the Garden (Lori's blog was the first sewing blog I found. I think she does not sleep, because she can produce garments in record time! Also, she paved the way for video blogs with starting her podcasts.
    Life Happens to be Positive -Toy ( Great detail videos on garments. Also, she keeps me up-dated on trends and what is hitting the runways!)
    Stitches and Seams-Debbie (She is real!!! Also, she is very generous with her sewing knowledge)
    Sheilaz-CTK -- Love her creative garments that she makes in multiples.
    LLadyBird-- She also does not sleep!! Lots of detail and pictures on her blog with each garment. Great in sharing her knowledge.
    Mimi G Style- Loves to share her knowledge! Great garments!
    Faye's Sewing Adventure- Faye has lead some great "sew-alongs' that were encouraging and inspiring. She also makes great garments.
    Those I miss:
    Pins and Needles--Does anyone know how Summerset is doing? What a talented lady. Her competition garments were amazing.
    Mushy Wear- I know her life changed with working full time. Sure do miss her!! She had great garments with good details.

  58. Don,t know if i made it in time - but here is my listing of favourites

    Australian Blogs

    Sew Me Love
    Sew Brunswick
    Bobbin And Baste
    Handmade by Carolyn
    Interrupted Sutures

    Brittish Blogs

    Did You Make That
    Attic 24 (o)

    American Blogs

    Amanda's Adventures in Sewing
    Wearable Muslin
    Goodbye Valentino
    Girls In The Garden
    10000 Hours of Sewing
    Real Life Live and Unscripted

    I really miss Eugenia's and Shannon's blogs and hope that they are still creating wonderful and inspiring clothes!!

  59. Amanda's adventures in sewing
    Goodbye Valentino
    The Sewing Lawyer
    Lower your presser foot
    All sewing blogs. No doubt these have been listed in the comments - don't have time to read all of those and of course many of my favs are in your list so I haven't included.

  60. Handmade by Carolyn, Male Pattern Boldness, House of Pinheiro and Cut Cut Sew. All sewing blogs. Looking forward to seeing the final list!

  61. Stitches and Seams, Ikat bag, Sewing Artistry, The Lost Art of Fine Tailoring, the Vivienne Files

  62. Oh, so many! you, of course, and I also like Tilly and the Buttons, Sewaholic, oonaballoona, LLADYBIRD, and Communing With Fabric.

  63. Besides yours (I know I am not supposed to mention your blog, sorry :-) ) Besides yours the ones I always go to are Kayy's (, Oona (, Erika ( and AManda ( I am so looking forward to see what you will compile. It was awesome to have found new blogs to follow from this post. THANK YOU!

  64. 1. Goodbye Valentino -- She makes beautiful, wearable clothes with great style. I learn a lot about fit and proportion from reading her blog.

    2. Gorgeous Things Blog. Where it all started for me. My first sewing blog and my first online fabric purchase. Anne makes great clothes and great tutorials. Essential reading.

    3. La Sewista. Boy can this lady sew anything. Talented and soulful.

    4. Stitches and Seams. Checking in with Debbie's blog is like running into a dear friend. She makes real clothes for real people. I would never have figured out my coverstitch machine without her tutorials.

    5. Oonaballoona. Wowza! She makes fun, fashionable, fantastic clothes, with a great eye for color and personal flair. Smart, funny, and just an all around cool person. Not to be missed.

  65. 1. Goodbye Valentino -- Beautiful, wearable clothes. I learn so much about fit and proportion from reading her blog.

    2. La Sewista -- Boy can this lady sew. Talented and soulful.

    3. Gorgeous Things blog. Essential reading for anyone who sews. Fabulous clothes, great pattern reviews, and some wonderful tutorials. This was the first sewing blog I discovered, and her online storre is where I made my first online fabric purchase.

    4. Stitches and Seams. Debbie makes real clothes for real people. I would never have figured out my coverstitch machine without her tutorials.

    5. Oonaballoona. What a cool woman, and what cool clothes she makes! High fashion and high energy! Not to be missed. A great, entertaining blog that will make your day.

  66. 6. Oops! Forgot Male Pattern Boldness! Love everything about Peter and his blog.

  67. Hi Carolyn, I've been a reader for a long time but this is my first comment. So let me first thank you for the inspiration that i always find in your posts and for sharing your thought process, which i've noticed tends to challenge my thinking and sometimes pushes me forward.

    Now for my top blogs. Like you I work full time and have precious little time to sew and follow blogs, so I regularly prune my feedly. I notice that the sewing blogs I keep fall in two categories: in the first are women with similar age/style/body shape/lifestyle as mine. These blogs are my "real world" inspiration and they also help me understand fitting and flattery challenges that apply to my body shape. These women often sew the same patterns that I have in my queue and so in a sense, it is a way of "trying out" a pattern without having to sew a single stitch! In the second group are then the bloggers that bring me out of my comfort zone: either with skills miles ahead of me, or a style that is much more fashion forward than mine and that I aspire to.

    Most of my favorite sewing blogs have been mentioned above already so I will only mention a few that haven't made it in yet:
    - J Kaori Sews. She is constantly pushing her sewing skills and manages to make beautiful garments in the process. My favorites are a lace trench coat that I would steal in a heartbeat, and lately a knitted moto jacket a la Christopher Kane that you won't believe!
    - The Cutting Class. fashion professionals analyzing the cut and pattern details of current designer fashions. They provide fantastic insight and point out details I often overlooked. Their latest post overlays technical drawings on the Proenza Schouler collection showing the dreamiest jacket seaming that was invisible with the busy print.
    - The Sew Convert. Lately she hasn't been posting too often but when she does it is always a beautiful and ethereal dress in a whimsical print or a tailored coat for her husband. Her sense of style is the perfect mix of understated, playful, modern... can you tell I worship her style?
    - Blue Hue Wonderland. A styling blog by an artist with the most amazing color sense. Her outfits are polished but down to earth and perfect for my office needs, never too "artsy" or over accessorized.

    Thanks for bringing up this topic. Now I'm off to visit all the blogs mentioned here that are new to me!

  68. Firstly let me say that many of my favorite blogs were already listed by Carolyn, her blog included.
    Here’s my list; I’ve compiled it in a hurry and there are so many other wonderful blogs that I’d love to list… sigh…
    Top five sewing blogs (other than listed already by Carolyn and currently active):
    (S) BCN-UNIQUE Designer Patterns:
    (S) Faye’s Sewing Adventures:
    (S) Erica B.’s – D.I.Y. Style!:
    (S) Sew & Style:
    (S) Real Life: Live & Unscripted:
    Another blog that hasn’t been active that I’d like to list is (S) The Sewing Divas:
    (V) Petit Main Sauvage :
    Art to Wear
    (A, S, V) Pins and Needles: (unfortunately currently inactive)
    Now for my favorite Fashion blogs:
    (F) The Chriselle Factor:
    (F) Wendy’s Lookbook:
    (F) The Galant Girl:
    (F) Bittersweet Colors:
    (F) The Daileigh:
    That's it! :)

  69. Oh, Calolyn, I forgot to list La Sewista!! Here it is: (A,V,S) I might have left other behind,... I really love too many sewing blogs, each one has its wonders... It's unfair to list only five :(

  70. Sorry again Carolyn, I think I have misspelled your name on my previous comment (that's what one gets when typing in a hurry)

  71. Male Pattern Boldness, Lladybird, Goodbye Valentino, Fehrtrade, Handmade by Carolyn are my favorites. You, Male Pattern Boldness and Suzy Bee get extra points for great Blogrolls.

  72. You already have 2 of my favorites on your list - SunnyGal Studio & SewPassionista by Diana. My other favorites:
    s - Goodbye Valentino
    s - sewmanju
    s - Ginger Makes
    s,v - Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing
    s - Handmade by Heather B

  73. i love soooooo many blogs, i haven't been able to narrow it down!!! i'll third "the cutting class," i love the way they help me understand the runway. as much as one *can* understand the runway. but this reminds me, i have got to get my blogroll back up!

  74. It was really hard to come up with just 5. My top 5 blogs have influenced to keep sewing, laughing and learning. Love the jolt to the sewing mojo.

    1. Diary of a Sewing Fanatic
    2. The Mahogany Stylist
    3. Stitches and Seams
    4. Erika B
    5. Male Pattern Boldness

  75. Of course yours, and I've listed mine on the end.

  76. I'm glad you extended this a bit, I've been struggling to narrow down my choices to just five.....! Here's my choices (although I know I'll change my mind as soon as I post this)

    S - Fehrtrade
    S, V - By Gum, By Golly
    S - Lower Your Presser Foot
    S - Handmade By Carolyn
    S, V - Petit Main Sauvage

  77. I think that a lot of people have similar top 5's but for me, I love the multitude of voices that are out there. I love Oona, Peter and Miss Celie as much as the next obsessive sewing blog reader, but I couldn't survive on their posts alone.

    Recently there's been wonderful posts from SewCraftyChemist, The Home Blues (google translates it from hebrew for me), notes from a mad housewife, SEWN, kathhhhhysews, Sew 2 Pro, Velosewer (How Good Is That), Meggipeg, Sew Brunswick, Boo Dog and Me, Scruffy Badger, Fehr Trade, four square walls, Kalali (formerly Treadling in Benin) - those are just the first people that sprung to mind. There are so many!


  78. There are so many out there that I haven't been introduced to yet. Here are the five I read the most:
    * Diary of a Sewing Fanatic
    * Sew Crafty Chemist
    * Ten Thousand Hours of Sewing
    * Sew much to do, Sew little time
    * oonaballona

  79. So many choices to choose from in my feedly; if I had to survive on a desert island with only 5 (besides DOASW of course); they'd be sewing on the edge (Barbara), Pretty Griveances (Ann), Miss Celie's Pants (Renee) Stitched and Seams (Debbie), and Inside Out Style (Imogen).

  80. Carolyn these ate my favorites:
    Erica: Erica B's D.I.Y. Style
    Mimi: Mimi G Style
    Adrienne: Real Life: Live & Unscripted
    Erin: A Dress a Day
    And I have to add: Carolyn: Diary of a Sewing Fanatic even though you told us not too!

  81. I always love to see what Claudine (Rolling in Cloth) is working on - I think no one else combines sewing, dyeing techniques, embroidery, etc, to really achieve their unique vision the way she does. Also, in the last year or so Heather Lou of Closet Case Files has really shone.

  82. Carolyn, Thank you so much for adding me to your list! Being in a company of these amazing sewers gives me a great motivation boost! By the way, next week, since I finished my hand embroidery class, I am starting with bead embroidery - yay - really love this new skill...

  83. Thanks to a change in website hosting, my blog has moved. The Pressinatrix and I are now located at:


  84. What an awesome post. I didn't feel comfortable with Madalynn's list, but I couldn't put my finger on've nailed it. I am a regular following of many of the blogs you have listed, and now I am off to check out the other ones.

  85. Nice post! You have featured a lot of great blogs aside from yours. Thank you for posting this. It's really a big help. Looking forward for more awesome posts.

  86. A good list for other crafters like me to get inspiration. Thanks for sharing!;-)

  87. Thanks for all you have done.

  88. Great blog. Keep it up good work..

  89. Too bad I missed this post! I read a couple of sewing blogs when I need to find inspiration but regularly visit Kayla Green’s site. Her site is simple and straightforward so it is easy for beginners like me.

  90. Wow, lots of inspirational blogs listed here. Thanks so much for sharing. I am new to sewing and spent lots of time reading sewing blogs on sewing method and sewing machine foot for different fabrics. Your list will keep me busy for a while ;-)

  91. thank you so much ^^

  92. Thank you for this list. It is fun and educational reading many of these blogs. -

  93. Very usefull list.
    I will browse each of them,

  94. Hard to believe this post was written seven years ago already. SO much has changed for so many of us. I have a new blog - Like you, I moved recently and have been making some changes based on what I want (and don't want) to do in the next decade. It's good that sewing stays that nurturing element in our lives. Thanks gain for including me on this list. I really appreciated it.

  95. great finds for blogs thanks

  96. I love your blog. I do fabric too but not yards. I print my own fabric blocks. I will be back often.

  97. Interesting Post.... Thank you so much for this interesting post.


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