Even though, I've learned to appreciate the hemming process and to respect it...it does take quite a bit of time, so here are some of my thoughts...
I've become addicted to Pinterest because I can find loads of boards showing the work clothes that I need in both designer and RTW. Like this...
- Why aren't there more sewing blogs with women wearing a more professional wardrobe? Does anyone know? Or am I just missing them?
- Recently I've changed the needles I use to hem with to a slimmer lighter model. I don't think it's changed my hemming abilities much.
- A recent comment on a post about changing your serger thread made me wonder, don't other sewists buy sewing supplies in bulk and on sale? Am I the only one that treats my sewing supplies like food stocks and purchase them in bulk? To me eating is on the same level is sewing! *LOL*
- It's the time of the year I love...winter has finally left, spring is awakening and bringing loads of sunshine and warm breezes. However, it always affects my sewing. I'm either overstimulated with two many ideas to sew or I'm lethargic waiting for inspiration to strike. This year I'm definitely lethargic!
- My social media imprint reads one sided ~ it's all about sewing and my grandchildren ~ like there's nothing more to me ~ but it is deliberate.
- Speaking of social media ~ I prefer Instagram to Facebook. I think its cause I can flip through the pictures and see what I need to see but Facebook takes so much time, at least to me. The only thing I check Facebook for is every Wednesday I go to the Scandal page to see the sneak peek for Thursday's show...yeah I'm religious about that! *LOL*
- True Confession: The reason my fabric collection is so big is because I'm always worried the bottom is going to fall out. In times of financial challenges in the past, my fabric collection and sewing machines kept me going.
- I hate having to leave my sewing room after the weekend. Honestly, I'm happiest here. The next logical question is what does that say about me? Honestly, I don't care! *LOL*
- I will be 55 soon. That means I've been sewing for 44 years. I've owned a sewing machine since I was 11. I even had one in my college dorm room and it's had a place of honor in every place I've lived. I think I like to sew!