Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Do your patterns talk to you?

I'm going to admit mine do!  When I take the tissue out of the pattern envelope (old school I know! but we are not discussing how much I dislike PDF patterns this go round!) I hear gentle whisperings. Do you?

I recently opened a new pattern - Simplicity 8302 - coming to the blog soon - and it whispered so sweetly to me. See based upon the pattern cover photos and the fabric I'd chosen, I had one idea of a dress to make. But once I started cutting out the pattern pieces a totally different version came into view.

A version that I swear was softly sung into my ear. It penetrated my brain and lit a spark in the creativity center of my brain. 

So I wanna know, do your patterns talk to you?  Is it only me?  Does it only happen with paper patterns or can you get this auditory sensation with pdf patterns too?

Talk back to me because this is my Question of the Day! always more later!


  1. Yep, my PAPER patterns speak to me. I will sit with them and study them and talk back to them! I run the type of fabrics through my mind I have that I could use with it. Then I go over to the shelves and look and audition. Then I go to the button drawers...... I have this Simplicity and am looking forward to see what you have made with it. Jean

  2. Ah yes, every pattern has a story to be explored. I see them in my favourite prints or colours, and can't wait to see if this pattern will be a favourite, a once-only, or a reject!

  3. Oh mine talk to me but all at once and I just can't get a clear picture sometimes. I want to put most of them in the naughty corner and tell them not to talk for a while or they will not be let out!

  4. Not my patterns, really, but my fabric talks to me! I'll buy a length with say a skirt in mind, then the fabric tells me it would be much happier as a jacket. Since things like this happen so often, I tend to just buy 5 or 10 yard pieces so that I am certain to have enough in the event what I thought I was buying fabric for isn't what it ends up being.

  5. What a great pattern with so much variety. I don't think my patterns talk to me but when I make dolls, the dolls do have a way of making their personalities known. You start with an idea but then things seem to change until your final result is quite different than your plan.

  6. My fabric talks to me way more than the patterns. It might be because most of my fabric is in open sight and my patterns are out of the way in bins lol
    sn: I like that jacket on the pattern!

  7. All my patterns yell at me: MAKE ME NOW. All at the same time. So it's kinda noisy in here.

  8. Occasionally a pattern will pipe up, but mostly it's my fabric that carries on the conversation.

  9. I either start with fabric I love and then find a pattern that works. Or I have a vision of what I want to make and then find a pattern. It's rare that I start with the pattern, so no I don't find that they talk to me much.

  10. Not my patterns so much but visions, dreams, and pictures. I see it in my head, then sketch it. Sometimes I see a photo and immediately start to fine-tune the garment "I would lengthen the sleeves, color block the waistband to give the illusion of a belt, add a back seam for better shaping, etc. etc." I'm more of a visionary sewist than a pattern user. That's why I've abandoned my hundreds of paper patterns (sigh)for slopers and pattern software.

    1. Funny but I see those things too but I see them from patterns. I guess it doesn't matter how we get just matters that we all sew!

  11. Of course they do. I would not have made the same jacket pattern at least 10 times(from different fabrics) if not. Usually the fabric grabs me and says Make me into LSJ!

  12. Fun question, Carolyn. New patterns do excite and talk to me but fabric brings the most stimulation! Karen

  13. Both the patterns AND the fabric. It's kindof a party in the studio!

  14. I never thought of it this way, but certainly, yes, my patterns talk and my fabric talks, and then the ideas that come from magazines and the internet talk, and it all adds up to making me a mental case who thinks of nothing but sewing. (But everyone knows that about me, so I guess it's OK.)

  15. They usually talk, but right now I'm trying to make 3 little cowboy shirts and they're not saying a thing. Is much easier to finish a project when the pattern and fabrics talk to me.

  16. I like to stack patterns with the fabrics they want so when I have time for the next thing, ready to go!


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