Sunday, July 07, 2024

Sewing Room Update

In my December 2023 post, I discussed wanting to update my sewing space.  Not so much the sewing loft but the area I sew in.  As I explained, the work/sewing space was overcrowded and had lost much of it's function.  Here is the post that showed my last sewing studio update.

Over the Christmas break, my daughter and I moved everything out of the room.  Then she assembled the desk in the area...

                          We moved the cutting table to another place in the room.

                                                ...added some curtains...

The storage was changed around because the original bookshelf fell apart. So, I salvaged the bottom part for additional space.  Can never have too much storage.

Changed out the tray table for a smaller table to set up the serger station.  Having it catty cornered to the sewing machine really helps with the ease of sewing. 

...but left the sewing machine area the same.  Here's a short video of the updated room. 

More photos of the updated room in use.  Cause pretty clean pictures are nice but "in use" photos are realistic.

And now I'm FINALLY creating in it again.  I have a few completed garments to share with you soon.  Well as soon as it's not so blasted hot and I can get my daughter over to take a few photos! Hopefully will share soon... always more later!


  1. Carolyn, I'm impressed that you keep at it and changing things around. Looking forward to your next sewing posts. Its hard to sew in the summer with the iron and lights making it that much warmer in the room. Hope you are staying cool. Jean

  2. It good to see your sewing results again!

  3. Happy Birthday. Good to hear from you again, just to see you are OK.

  4. Is a sewing room ever truly finished? That's a very interesting desk/shelf combination. I like the changes in your room, bummer that the bookshelf fell apart though. Good news that you've been back to sewing a bit again.

  5. I'm looking forward to setting up one more sewing room in my life. I love the little table your serger is on. Is it sturdy enough? Is there space? And yea! You're blogging again. g

  6. I just found your site. I got out of sewing for a few years after making my own clothes. Married life, children, and nursing career where I only needed scrubs got in the way.
    I am slowly getting back in the groove. My sewing corner has to share my knitting stash and the room has our main computer and a daybed. The room is crowded and in tidy disarray to say the least. I like how you remodeled your sewing room, this gives me lots of ideas.
    I hope to check in for advice. By the way, your dresses for your Chicago trip are beautiful.


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