Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Well it's been a minute!

I recently looked at my blog and realized that my last post was December 2023!  Wow that was a long minute away wasn't it.  My absence can be chalked up to the fact that I'm just not sewing.  Every time I get an itch, I think why?  I've spent so many years (at least 20) sewing 30-75+ garments a year that I have no need of anything at this moment. Special occasion, yes there's something in the closet. Need a summer dress, it's there. A special shirt or t-shirt, yes I'm covered.

I'm sure it doesn't help that I work in NYC maybe two days a week.  NJTransit is giving me such anxiety at the moment, that I've gone back to the required 4 days a month my company asks of me.  Getting stuck in NYC is no longer fun for me!  So, what have I been up to?


Reading has become my safe space from the world.  As of January 1st, I've read 125 books.  I spend a lot of time reading! 

My Birthday:

I turned 65 this year.  I decided it was the perfect time to celebrate so I did.  

However, I had two parties that day.  Before the main celebration, I decided to have a pre-party with local sewing friends. I've talked about this before, the need to divest myself of some of my fabric. I mean I'm not really sewing much and I'd rather it go to sewing friends who will use it now instead of having my daughters have to dispose of it when I pass.  So I'm sharing pieces from my vast fabric collection.

I did have rules.  No wool crepe was to be taken.  It took too long to collect and I paid some amazing prices for most of it.  Prices that are way cheaper than what it's presently going for.  I have two tables of recent purchases.  They were also off limits. Also I had right of first refusal. Even with that 10 women rambling around in the collection and taking huge shopping bags away, there is still a lot of fabric remaining in the sewing loft.

A few photos from the pre-party and of the sewing friends who attended:

Lastly, I've recently gotten the desire to travel by train! My daughter, granddaughters and I have a trip planned to Chicago via Amtrak and I'm so thrilled. I have other trips planned in my mind traveling via Amtrak also.  I can't wait!

So there's my update. I want to say that I will update more frequently but honestly I don't know.  I don't want this to turn into a book blog but I have sewn so little recently that it will probably be more like drop ins when I have something to share.  I do post sparingly to Instagram still so you can follow me there.

Hope you're all well... 


  1. Theresa in TucsonJune 18, 2024 12:56 PM

    Carolyn, I am so glad you posted. I was ready to start a thread on Pattern Review asking about you. I check your blog and blog roll every single morning. Congratulations on turning 65. I hit 70 next month and have a Social Security appointment this week to file for benefits. Reading is an excellent alternative to sewing so I'm glad you are enjoying it.

  2. Just stopping to say hi back! So nice to see a blog post from you. I'm again way overdue myself but I haven't been sewing either. Happy 65!! Enjoy those books. I'm looking forward to not working soon and spending more time reading (and sewing).

  3. Hello from Canada,
    Doesn’t matter if you sew or not now, just pop up once in awhile and let us know how you’re doing. We feel like friends after years of reading your blog, even if we’ve ever met.
    I would have loved to see your fabric giveaway. Bet the ladies are still talking about it!
    Re Chicago….make dinner reservations in advance! Our first night there, we ended up eating frozen pizza in our rental.

  4. So glad to hear from you and that you are well. Agree with Anoymous Canada as I have been wondering about you. You are one of the first bloggers I followed and I check your blog weekly. So thank you for the update and about your travel plans. Happy, Happy Birthday. Jean

  5. It's so good to hear from you! What a great idea to spread the fabric jewels among your friends who sew. One way or another, you have the knack of inspiring people to sew. Happy Birthday!

  6. A Belated Happy Birthday to you! What a fun party! (love your dress!) Should Amtrak bring you south...holler at me...

  7. Happy 65th birthday, Carolyn! I'm so glad you posted - yours was the first blog I followed and I've missed your writing and inspiration. I do enjoy your Instagram posts too! - Cathy L

  8. Carol in DenverJune 19, 2024 12:41 PM

    I love your red heart dress! And I love the gentle rocking of train travel and hope you have great good fun on your trip. I, too, have an enormous fabric stash and will never use it up. What to do with it all nags at me.

  9. Happy Birthday! I love books and would love to hear about your favorites

  10. Late Happy Birthday! What a nice way to celebrate - letting sewing friends rootle through the stash. Bummer (for your readers) that you aren't sewing much, but not having need for so many clothes sort of takes the fun out of it. I know *I* don't sew garments unless I need to fill a gap or replace one. Will a visit to the fabric shops in Chicago be on the schedule?

    I'm glad you're doing well, please keep us updated even if it's a fast "still not sewing, still reading, still breathing" post.

  11. Happy birthday from an anonymous admirer who "found" you through Lisa Laree's blog a year or so ago - I've enjoyed reading your past posts and am in awe of your sewing skills! My daughter and I traveled cross-country by Amtrak and it was a special, once-in-a-lifetime, fabulous trip - I hope you enjoy your journey as much as we did!

  12. I've followed your blog since 2007 or 2008. I love your posts! I'm 64 and sewing a little less also. And now that there is retirement, I too will be taking more train trips. I went last year from Chicago to Albuquerque for a memorial service and coach was great and also a sleeper was great. We tried both ways. The attendants were all wonderful and had their own personalities. I would like to try Chicago to NYC . Also to Portland ME where we have relatives. Enjoy your trip!

  13. I discovered your blog only a few years ago but have loved every post. What a lovely update, full of wonderful things! I update less and less myself as I get older; I just think we get busier as we get older and there's less time for things we used to do. However you decide to update in the future, or not, will be fine.

  14. Happy solar return Carolyn! Have a wonderful and safe travel to and from the Chi!

  15. So happy to see the new post. I've missed your blog. Would love to read about your traveling adventures and any of the books that you have read and are currently reading. Would just love to see what has been going on. Great to see you again. Happy Belated Birthday.

  16. Hello there and Happy Belated Birthday! Yep, reading seems to be my thing lately too. Although I have done a bit of alterations for a friend or two. So happy you are going to get to travel. Travel by train is great! Last time I did it was from Oregon to Minnesota in the Winter.... beautiful scenery. Enjoy the trip and your time with family. Hugs Jean

  17. A belated and joyful birthday wish sent your way! I am blogging less as well. There is just so much else I am doing that I also enjoy and so much less need for clothing. I look so forward to any reports on your train journey. I traveled by train a lot with my grandmother when I was younger. I always enjoyed it and found it so special. I wish many train trips in your future and lots of time for great reading.


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