Saturday, February 28, 2009
February end of the month recap
Friday, February 27, 2009
And the winner is....
Going, going, going...
Because that Burda is going...going...going...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Burda World of Fashion
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Making a list

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Finished Story
My daughter had me laughing so hard while she was taking the pics - but this is a great shot of the jacket and dress.
The back of the dress.
Now I realize that this isn't the most corporate of outfits...but I own plenty of them for days that we have meetings...and this dress with one of those jackets just adds to the number of outfits for formal meeting days. However, this outfit speaks to my personality...a little artsy with a dash of pro-fess-iona-lism...or my version of 'Corporate Chic.'
I've had a wonderful three day weekend...calming and full of creativity. I finished a UFO, I made a new dress and I have a kewl new sweatery jacket. Hope you had a wonderful weekend too!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Presenting Butterick 5187 - The Anna Sui Jacket
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A UFO Finished - Butterick 5247
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Zippers and a seam ripper (for the cutting table drawers) from Steinlauf & Stoller. I really wanted to get a few more hangers but I just didn't want to carry to much stuff in the elements.
Lining in three colors from Paron Fabrics - ruby red, off white and black
...and yes, this is a piece of fabric but it is so awesome! It was located on top of the shelves holding the lining and it was calling, calling, calling my loudly that I had a hard time concentrating on the lining fabrics until I pulled it down. There is 5 yards here but I only paid for 3...because there is a black mark on one side which I believe will come out in the wash. But who am I to tell the gentlemen cutting my fabric that he shouldn't give me additional yardage at a discounted price! *smile* Anyway...I am at my material limit for this month...thank God its a short month!!! But I had to have this yellowish cotton tubular knit. All I really want is a cardigan from it but will keep the extra on hand...cause who knows what needs will turn up!
There was another treat in the mailbox tonight...two patterns that I ordered from Your Pattern Shop. Now you don't think I recommended them and didn't purchase something from them, did you?! *LOL*
Here are the two patterns I purchased:

Butterick 4702 and...

...and I know I said that I would share my sewing list for the weekend with you but...tomorrow...I promise!
More later!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
It's Here!
Monday, February 09, 2009
But what's really sad is that I just shut down yesterday. No, maybe I should cut out the black LBD, no threading the machines...nuthin'...I literally went to bed. Okay, I took a nap! *LOL* But my reaction was extreme...even to a confessed obsessed sewaholic! I have several projects that I could have worked on but at the time, I couldn't get past the fact that I didn't have enough of that particular fabric to proceed with the jacket.
Anyway, the fabric should arrive in my hot little hands by the weekend...and since it's a holiday the U.S. it will be President's Day weekend - a combination of Lincoln's Birthday and George Washington's Birthday...I will have three days to work on both pieces and now I'm looking forward with joy instead of dread to having that time!
On another renewal notice came in the mail for Burda Plus. I subscribe because this particular issue takes forever to arrive on the newsstands and I want to see it before the next season's patterns are available! Now I'm wondering if I should subscribe to the monthly issue of BWOF. I mean I purchase every issue anyway, maybe I should just subscribe. What do you think?
Lastly my beloved Fabric Mart is having a 20% off the entire website sale...and nope I'm not purchasing anything! Just in case you are not on the mailing list, I thought you would like to know! And to my readers overseas, I'm sorry but FM only ships to the US and Canada...bummer right!
More later...
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Equals Nothing...
"I just so happens that I have approximate 2 yards that fabric aging in my stash that I recieved in a mystery bundle from FabricMart and it is yours for shipping. Let me know."
Lisa can you contact me via my email - located in my profile - so that I can make arrangements to get this piece from you! And THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! You are a lifesaver!!!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Fabric Manipulator
It was purchased on the recommendation of a friend. Bought from my favorite internet fabric source, Fabric Mart. It was part of last year's Anna Sui pieces and I thought it was a challis-type fabric. Instead when it arrived it had a very loose weave...and although I liked the border print...I'm not sure about the color.

Two Saturday Morning Quickies...
...and two if you are a costumer, Butterick patterns has a $3.00 sale on some great costuming patterns...and if you are a Club BMV member they are $2.70 a piece. There are a few garment patterns for women and kids thrown in too, but check it out!
Those are my bits and pieces for this morning...enjoy your day!
Friday, February 06, 2009
A LBD and some updates...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Did you or didn't you?
"...we don't see the prep time. You say you sewed the outfit in the weekend, but how many days did you spend doing 10 minutes worth of prep here and a half hour there? Pretreating fabric (whether washing or steam-iron shrinking); cutting out; collecting zippers, buttons, facing, thread; all that stuff is part of the time it took to make the garment, but it isn't obvious when you present the finished item as "I sewed this over the weekend."
This is a very valid point of view, but then again, I could say that most of my free time is spent in preparation to sew! *smile* Since my life revolves around the pursuit of the perfect pattern, the best quality fabric for the cheapest price ~ I spend quite a bit of time, checking the fabric sites, watching the prices, and waiting for the best sale ~ sorta like watching the stock market for the best time to swoop in and get a stock at a bargain basement price! I know this makes it seem like I have a one track mind...Well I do! *LOL*
Although with this particular dress all the decisions except picking the fabrics were actually made during last weekend. The fabric was pre-treated, the pattern was cut out and the zipper pulled from the stash during the weekend. It helped tremendously that I had previously made the dress and had the notes and a blog post to guide me through the process quicker than if I was starting from scratch. It's also an easy dress to sew.
So while maybe some weekends it could be stretching it to say, "Sewn in a Weekend" this dress actually was!
Now the point of prep work is to allow you to sew something in a weekend, if you desire. There are sooooo many decisions associated with making a garment...some of which could tank the garment...some of which could cause the garment to never be made...some of which could cause the garment to be amazing! You need time to do the prep work. You need time to think things imagine what could and could not be. You need that time. But prep work is not least not in my book. Because if prep work counted, I would have an awesome amount of garments made...I am ALWAYS thinking of a new garment...a new technique...a new way to do something. I am constantly inspired to sew and create. So no...prep work does not equate sewing, at least to me!
Sewing is the actual process of creating the garment...handling the fabric...adjusting the pattern...cutting it out...sewing and pressing...fitting and finishing the piece. Now that part, can take one afternoon, one day, one weekend or a series of weekends or months. It depends on you...but I can guarantee you...I would never say that I sewed something in a weekend, if I actually didn't! Especially since I am a walking, breathing prep factory!!!
Monday, February 02, 2009
Sew Focused

Do you do everything possible before you sit down to sew? If so, why? I mean have you ever thought about why you put something that gives you so much enjoyment in last place? And if you do give sewing priority, do you ever analyze why you sew slowly? Do you enjoy the journey and want to savor every minute of it? Or are you paralyzed by choices which makes it hard to make progress?
Read some of the answers to the original questions. They really make you think! And finally, "Do you sew focused?"