Saturday, May 20, 2023

I'm Reading More Lately

As I've stated in several posts, I'm sewing less. And I'm okay with that because I create as I need now and it's enough.  So I've filled the sewing time with reading. If you're only here for the sewing tap out now. Cause I have lots of thoughts about the books I'm reading and how it's different now.

I believe the biggest difference is social media. Between BookTok and Bookstagram, I'm finding authors I never knew about. I've also changed the genre I'm reading. I was primarily a true crime, mystery/thriller, lifestyle, best seller novels reader. I've totally gone in the opposite direction.  Where before I maligned romance novels, now I'm chest deep in them.

I need the escapism they provide.  The world has been through so much in the last 3 years that escapism fare provides the perfect backdrop to the sh*tty things that we humans continue to inflict upon each other...without adding a global pandemic into the mix.

When I was younger romance novels were those little Harlequin Romance books with some bodice ripping, unbelievable characters and situations. Well things have changed in that genre. Not only are there a ton of new authors but the niches have changed too.  Fantasy Romance (vampires & werewolves & fairy lands), Magical Romance, Mafia Romance, LGBTQIA romance, Interracial Romance tales, Plus size Romance's enough to make your head spin.

There's also a ton of new authors with a myriad of writing styles, choosing to write about sex in a variety of ways. It's inspired a lot of conversations with my daughters. LOL!

Anyway, my reading has exploded.  I've read 63 books since January. I read when I commute, waiting for the doctor and dentist, and instead of spending evenings in front of the TV I'm curled up on the couch on weekends...pretty much all the dayum time.  One of my daughters said, I always have a book in hand now and that's true.

Who am I reading?  After 6 months of serious reading I've developed some favorites, Kennedy Ryan, Lucy Score, Talia Hibbert, TL Swan, Lauren Asher, Beverly Jackson, Brenda Jenkins and Taylor Jackson Reid. Though I have a few other new faves too. 

I follow quite a few bookstagrammers on IG as well as Oprah's book club, the Good Morning America book club, Amerie's book club and Reese Witherspoon's book club. I'm also on GoodReads with a small circle of friends. I like variety and it's nice to see so many books available and what my friends and others choose to read. 

Lastly, I purchase most of my books from either Amazon or Barnes & Noble, because there is nothing like walking into a bookstore and perusing what's there! Sort of like fabric shopping in a bricks & mortar store! I'm also reading off my Kindle App on my iPad which offers even more books!

That's what I'm doing instead of sewing. How about you?  Do you read?  If so, what genre do you like?  Any fave authors or books you'd like to share?

I promise more sewing content is coming because I've paired some patterns with fabric for a few new pieces to be sewn when I'm not reading! LOL! always more later!


  1. Wow! Lookit you go! I have lamented on one of my blogs that I don't seem to have the time to read like I used to...I've only read about 8 or 9 books so far this year, and 3 of those were my umteenth time through Lord of the Rings. Fantasy/adventure...I am intrigued by world building. I also a three-day binge...the Wingfeather Saga. I have several non-fiction books going; just finished a book on the history of the church in the first century; reading a book on leadership by the same author that's making me think. Just not enough time in the day to do All the Things...

  2. I also read a lot, but mostly ebooks from my public library. I've never been able to afford all my reading, even when I was working. And the thought of where to put all that paper is hair-raising in retrospect. In great part though I am mostly a reader-in-bed, and light enough for paper disturbs my girlfriend. Also, I read some studies about near-sightedness and concluded it'd be wiser for me to do as much reading as possible in a white-on-black format, which isn't possible on paper

  3. Oops sorry, that was M-C, forgetting to de-anonymze

  4. i love to read historical mysteries especially those set in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. I also enjoy forensic murder mysteries, baking murder mysteries etc. I just like figuring out who did it.

    For light reading I might read a romance novel.

    I read about two books a week which I check out from the library.

    I also read quilt making books, sewing and cookbooks.

    I have always enjoyed reading for relaxation since I was a child!

  5. I found it interesting in all those niches you listed for romance, there seems to be one that’s still taboo- seniors!! Especially in light of how we are stepping up to demand older women are recognized by pattern companies, used more in modeling and movies, etc etc. I have seen several MOVIES in the past years with seniors in love and exploring sex, but can’t recall a book.
    I went to audio books a few years ago, but maybe it’s time I gave myself back to some print. I did use to love my book time, unshared with anything else!

    1. Barbara - I never even thought about that! However, further down someone does recommend an author writing senior romance novels.

  6. This is so interesting. I too have started reading again. I don't have time to sew since I'm caregiving for my husband who has Alzheimer's. I was buying books on Kindle, then I started reading the many unread books that I bought years ago when there were still brick and mortar bookstores. I miss the days when I could stop by the bookstore and get lost in browsing through books. I also am reading through the Bible in a years. It has been a few years since I have done that. I'm living vicariously through books now since my life is pretty restricted.

  7. I only want to read happy things too. I use to love epic tragic dramas. Now I want to escape to something comfy. Jenny

  8. Hi Carolyn! Yes, I love to read! I love romance, historical fiction, mysteries, cookbooks(!), crafting books, including fiction that involves any craft, history, gardening, and the occasional fantasy or science fiction. My favorite authors are Abraham Varghese, Barbara Kingsolver, Carolyn Brown, Cormac McCarthy, Wallace Stegner, Jacqueline Winspear, Kate Quinn, etc., etc.
    I read my books almost exclusively through my Kindle. I have Audible and Kindle Unlimited memberships, and I also read through my local library (ebooks).

  9. Hi Carolyn...your post really got me thinking about my reading life and how it has evolved over my lifetime. One of my first jobs in high school was that of a library page, and how I loved that job. That was long before computer days, and you actually had to sign a log when you checked out books ( yes, I am that old 😁). The librarian and I would pick through the boxes of new books to check out what we wanted to read first before shelving the rest. I read a lot of Victorian and gothic novels. I loved Victoria Hilt books. And then came Danielle Steele...funny, I haven't read anything by her in decades. I too adored true crime...Ann Rule was my absolute favorite and one of the highlights of my correctional nursing career was getting to sit next to her at lunch where she was presenting at our conference. A truly down to earth woman and she even gave me her business card with her personal number written on the back, so I could call her with some information on a book she was researching. 🤗 But I digress...I loved Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta series until she kind of jumped the shark, and I always love a good biography. These days my all time favorite author is Fredrik Backman. I also am tearing through Taylor Reid Jenkins and am quite fond of Anne Tyler's stories. I get inspiration from other bloggers I follow, such as Anne Bogel from the Modern Mrs. Darcy and other Goodreads friends. I'm currently enjoying "Things I Wish I Told my Mother", by Susan Patterson and Susan DiLallo. I usually always have a hard copy book going, as well as something on my Kindle and an audiobook going so I can read while I sew or travel. I'd much rather read than watch television ( although I do watch TV too) Thanks for starting such an interesting conversation.

  10. I always enjoy seeing what people are enjoying reading - gives me new genres and authors to check out. I average about 1 book/week - mostly hardcover books checked out from the library - just can't get into audio books. I've read lots of WWII historical fiction (The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah was my favorite) but I'm trying to branch out. I surprised myself by enjoying spy novels by David Downing. Nancy

  11. Thanks to you and your commenters for these wonderful book suggestions!

  12. I have been reading more as well. My primary genre is legal crime thrillers, but I also read sewing books and true crime. I would love to see a combination book club/sewing club, where you could read a book together, and then sew from an inspiration in the book.

    1. This is such a fun idea! However, I know myself and I know I'd be a failure - I wouldn't finish one of the projects, either the book or the garment :(

    2. Deborah, There is such a wonderful club, The Literary Sewing Circle, which is run by Melanie Kindrachuk, a Canadian librarian. Her blog here on Blogger is called "Following the Thread". You can find out about the Literary Sewing Circle there. She chooses a variety of books. I don't often sew something, but I read the books and her sewing circle posts. I've been introduced to some new-to-me authors, and gotten to revisit old favorites.

    3. Deborah, You're looking for the Literary Sewing Circle, run by librarian Melanie Kindrachuk. Her blog is "Following the Thread" here on Blogger, and you can find out about the Literary Sewing Circle there. I highly recommend it.

  13. What an interesting set of books - in all directions. As for seniors, I recommend the Australian author Joanna Nell. (Hachette Australia)."The single ladies of Jacaranda Retirement Village - it's never too late to grow old disgracefully" But all of hers so far have been a lot of fun.

  14. When I read for pleasure, it tends to be non-fiction: books about pattern-drafting, sewing techniques, history of fashion, and knitting how-to books.

  15. I love Lucy Score, waiting for the third Knockemout book. Louise Bay is a good contemporary romance author, as is Lucy Ann Parker. I've also managed to finish almost all of Ann Cleeve's mystery series, waiting for the next one in September (Shetland and Vera Stanhope, which were both made into TV series). Richard Osman has two mysteries (with the third due in September) about a crime solving social group in an English retirement village. I also love regencies...Anne Gracie, Elizabeth Hoyt (I think she's retired but she has a huge back catalog), Eloisa James and Julie Ann Long are favorites.
    I read on a kindle because I travel a fair amount and that way I'm never without a book. My niece (32 y.o) is a reader like me, but she only reads paper books.
    Kindle Unlimited is great for people like me who read about 5 books a week. Yes, I'm a fast reader. :) Love the recommendations!

    1. Martina - Lucy Score was a lucky find. I'm presently reading through her back catalog which isn't as deep as some. I'm reading Brenda Jackson's back catalog and since she's been writing for over 25 years some books I can only purchase on my Kindle App.

  16. I read about 3 books a week. My mother always insisted that we take out one nonfiction book and 2 fiction books our of the library each week. I still do that, I think to honor her, and to learn new things.( In the '50s our library had a 3 book limit) In non fiction, I take out fiber arts books, cooking, lots of biographies. I read a lot of mysteries. I read a few romances. I find that mysteries have a little romance in them, and a lot of romances have mysteries in them to move along the plot.
    When Covid hit, I started using our library's online collection. Thank goodness for that. I think it kept a lot of people sane. Instead of traveling, I could read fiction about places we couldn't go to at the time. It was such a treat to walk into the library when it reopened.
    For me, a library is such a calming place, but then so is a fabric store. I once calculated that if I were to buy all the books I have read in a year, the value would be close to our property taxes.
    Carol in Boulder

  17. If you are into reading on a Kindle, you should get the Libby app so you can check out ebooks from your local library. You can also get Kanopy and watch tons of movies.


  18. I LOVE TO READ! This post makes me happy because you are a crazy reader instead of a crazy seamstress! One thought, however -- USE THE LIBRARY! I know, I love the feel and smell of a new book, but you might be surprised by what your library has to offer. And it's free! It's even possible to get free downloads to your e-reader!

    1. jmsx3 - I have book return anxiety. My books are always overdue because I read as I feel like it. I also share books with friends so all of them don't end up at my apt.

    2. Our library no longer charges overdue fines. It’s made a world of difference for me. Also, if you’re looking for books that are out of print thrift books online is a great resource I have bought a lot from them.

  19. Not a great reader because I have a handicapped child to take care of. So, I do most of my reading online, except for the cookbooks I was getting into recently. I buy most of my books from which are former library books. I like their feel and price.

  20. Before the pandemic I read a lot - audiobooks on the commute and paper or ebooks before bed. Then when the pandemic hit I just... stopped. Mostly because work got crazy and the commute stopped happening, and books required a focus I felt like I was lacking at the time. So I spent a lot more time playing video games and doing other things to relax. Fast forward to now and I'm back to reading more, but not as much as I had been in the before times. I do miss it (I've always been a reader - mainly fantasy and science fiction, but I've been getting into historical non-fiction lately), but it's something I'm trying to add back into my routine. I need to find more things I can multi-task audio books with now that I don't have to commute as much; I prefer podcasts to audio books when sewing because most podcasts don't matter as much if my attention drops a bit to read an instruction or I lose a bit of the conversation when the machine is loud, but I hate losing bits of the audio book. Maybe I need to find more excuses to hand sew because that could be a good time to listen to an audio book...

  21. I love to read and have almost always read right before I go to bed. As you know, lately I've been listening to books as well and I love it for my walks. Rather than thinking is this lap 3 or lap 5, I just listen to the story. I've quite enjoyed Kristy Woodson Harvey - she generally tells a story from the perspective of 2 main characters and they all feel so real! I loved Taylor Jenkins Reid and cannot to read more of her books. I used to really enjoy Kristin Hannah, but the last book of hers I started I returned to the library without finishing.

    Clearly I need to follow more people on IG and find more books. I'm in the minority and don't love Colleen Hoover, her books feel a little forced and there's often conflict for no reason other than there "needs to be conflict." Finally, I've convinced my hubby that using our credit card points for B&N gift cards is the perfect gift ;) g

  22. Hi, Carolyn! I was just thinking about you and this post because I read that a romance bookstore is going to be opening in Brooklyn this summer, and I thought you might be interested! It’s called The Ripped Bodice and they have another location somewhere else — maybe LA? — and wanted to expand to NYC. I don’t read that many romances but I love books in general and definitely want to check it out! Maybe they can help me find the right romances for me. I think they’re opening in August.

    My attention span in general has been terrible. I haven’t been reading as much as I want to, and haven’t been sewing at all! I’d like to fix both of these things soon.

    1. Ann G - I heard about it. It just that Brooklyn is a trek for me. You know going from one state to another takes time!

  23. Love this post. I have been reading more too. Retired and don't need alot of clothing, I sew baby clothes and donate to a local pregnancy center. But like you I wasn't much into romance novels, but, then, I discovered....Bridergton

  24. I love how you’ve embraced reading as a form of escapism—it’s such a wonderful way to immerse yourself in new worlds and perspectives. Your shift toward romance novels is so relatable, especially with how much the genre has evolved. It’s inspiring to see how social media like BookTok and Bookstagram have opened doors to discovering new authors and niches. I also enjoy diving into true crime stories and sharing those narratives on my YouTube channel—would love for you to check it out! Thank you for sharing your journey—it’s always exciting to connect with fellow book lovers!


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