Saturday, May 25, 2013

Prom Dress Construction Hysteria

Getting a good fit is just the first you have to transfer all of those notes, pictures and pinnings into sewing a wearable dress.  I always breathe a sigh of relief after the fitting.  Then when I go to do the actual sewing, I have to swallow any fears/concerns that I have and get to work.

So I've done all of the the sleeve to work...and before I sewed the lace down I took one final set of measurements to make sure the dress would fit. Now let me say that I'm making the dress to her measurements - her exact measurements with minimal ease.  Hey she's 17 with a great body and a tight elegant dress is fine.  

However, I took the bust measurement and I'm an inch and a half short.  I'm freaking out.  Seriously people freaking out.  I've taken out several of the seams but being the wonderful couture sewist that I'm NOT, I not only sewed the new seams but I removed all of the extra fabric by pinking the seams.  

Of course I'm not a perfect pinker so the seams are larger in some areas than others.  Did I care when I was pinking?  Hell no!  I was just thrilled that I had seams that wouldn't show through the silk.

I even got the sleeve in P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y!  Peoples I had to find a sleeve pattern.  Adjust it down from a size 14, fix the sleeve cap, hand stitch the lace to an organza base, and insert it...then to have it fit P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y was no small feat.  I have to tell you that I'm dayum proud of that sleeve.

Here's where you say, "No problem do another fitting!"  In a perfect world I would. But my niece lives over an hour away and has to work today.  I'm supposed to deliver the dress tomorrow.  I should be stitching the lace down, inserting the lining and hemming the dress...all doable by this evening/later tonight BUT here I sit paralyzed...trying to figure out if the dress will fit or if I need to take out some of the seams again. *sigh*

+ + +

Speed forward a few hours...OMG!  My SIL just called and my measurement is off! She will fit the dress top just fine!  I'm off to finish up the dress ~ paralysis is over ~ I can breathe again...

...more later!  


  1. OMG, I was holding my breath as I was reading this!! So glad it was OK. And congrats on the perfect sleeve. It's going to be an amazing dress.

  2. Eeek! What a story! I thought it very odd that you would have been off, given your experience and skill - but I guess these things happen to everyone, potentially. Very happy to hear that all is well int he end.

  3. I must say that I was holding my breath until the end of your story! Thank God! I am so looking forward to seeing this finished on your niece.

  4. Agony! Oh I know that feeling, but hey THE SLEEVE LOOKS AMAZING!

  5. I sure you breathed the world's biggest sigh of relief. Although I'm sure you could h ave made it work. Can't wait to see the pics.

  6. Whoa, what a whirlwind! I'm glad it's going to work out!

  7. This is better than tv drama! Nice work!

  8. Whoa! I'm so glad things are working out. Breathe, breathe.

  9. So sorry it's been so stressful for you. But, I'm assuming that by now; she has the dress on and is having a wonderful time!! She will be the hit of the prom! Congrats... I'm sure she loves it! Isn't it great when a plan comes together! ;)

  10. Wow, my nerves were bad for you as I read this. So glad you got it all worked out.

  11. I didn't know how you were going to get out of this Carolyn! May I say it's the most perfect sleeve I've ever seen in my life? ;)

  12. I was reading your post trying to come up with ideas as I read: could you put in a gusset? will that beautiful lace cover an extra bit of fabric spliced in where it's needed? Sooooo happy your panic was for nothing!

  13. OMIGOSH, what a traumatic thing to go through. You surely do have the sewing gods/fairies looking out for you.

  14. whew! i just watched black swan recently, and while that was a scary movie, reading this post had me even more paralyzed! glad it all worked out!

  15. Suspense, frantic activity, oodles in the balance, beautiful dress, expensive fabric, lovely young girl, clock ticking, ballroom and dancing on the horizon...such a novella! So glad there's a happy ending. xoxo & kisses to you ~Mary Beth

  16. Phew!!! I was going to say that breathing in a pretty dress is highly overrated. And there are underpinnings that can help with that... But good that it was a false alarm in the end!

  17. YEAH - a happy ending.

  18. Hysteria be gone! The dress's progress is smashing and I'm sure the final product will be gorgeous. Your niece is lucky to have you. She will cherish the dress and the prom pictures.

  19. Oh gosh, so happy for you that the crisis was averted!

  20. Yikes! So glad it worked out ok!!!

  21. The suspense was killing me. I'm glad it worked out.


  22. Oh Carolyn! I so (sew) feel your pain. I've been there and found it excruciating worrying about final fittings, and such results as too tight bodices. That's why I gave up making prom dresses for friends' daughters a long time ago.
    Having said that, The dress is beautiful!!!


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