Friday, August 29, 2008
Bits and Pieces
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I'm still here...
So regularly scheduled programming will resume this weekend. I have some new fabrics, some new ideas and five days to I'm sure that I will have much to share soon! *LOL*
And to my fellow Americans..."Yes We Can!"
Saturday, August 23, 2008
"The Complete Book of Sewing"
Friday, August 22, 2008
My Top Ten Things for Fall - Part 2

7. A little retro

8. Something Red

Since Ann Taylor's dresses don't come in my size, I am knocking this puppy off!
Now that I have a plan, some fabric and some patterns all I need is time to make my Fall wishes and dreams come true!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My Top Ten Things for Fall - Part 1

Using one of my new vintage patterns - McCalls 5821 for a little more corporate version and this wool blend challis from Fabric Mart:

With these ingredients, I think I can come up with my own "inspired by" version!
3. A little plaid

4. A little argyle
When I was snoop shopping at JCrew, I fell in love with this sweater vest...

I will be able to duplicate it using this knit from

I am also thinking a cardy from the same fabric but like this JCrew one:
And don't worry these pieces won't be worn together! *LOL*
5. A great suit
I always need a suit...but these two have really set my mind awhirling! First this one from Barrie Pace:

And one that's a little more fashion forward from Vera Wang's Lavendar Label:

that will really work for this look...and of course I have a pattern from my giganormous pattern collection:
OOP Vogue 7361
Tomorrow I will share my top 6 through 10 items...this is getting a little long...and picture heavy!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Prada Inspired

photo credit:
photo credit:
And while at Metro Textiles today with a friend...I found this:
Yes, two yards of a lace that with a brown silk charmeuse lining would make my "version" of this amazing skirt! I've decided that I won't be able to wear it on important meeting days or even on regular work days but it could be worn on "Casual Fridays" with a silk twinset. I've decided that Fridays this fall will be "Fashion Fridays" for me unless there is a meeting scheduled...that way I can indulge my love of fashion while they are giving khaki its due! *LOL*
For more information on the Prada Skirt - there is a piece in today's NYTimes about it. Thanks Lyra for pointing me that way...
So I have my fabric, my TNT straight skirt pattern and now all I need is an afternoon to become "Prada Inspired!"
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Houston, we have a problem!
What is a girl to do? How can I help but be encouraged in this new pursuit? Especially since I have had some success with transforming these vintage patterns into actual garments or using techniques from pattern instruction sheets to make new garments from my TNT patterns...
And all this has really done is make me want to call in sick tomorrow and sew up the mail order pattern lovely that came today...
So hello my name is Carolyn and I am a fabricaholic and vintage patternaholic...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Michael Kors Throwback
And all I could think about was...Michael Kors Fall 2007 Line...specifically this outfit:
picture credit
People, do you think MK is visiting vintage pattern sites? ROTFLOL! But seriously, you can have a little MK glory by picking up this lovely pattern and reproducing MK's look. 'Cause Fabric Mart is even selling fur tape and yardage...I'm just sayin'So no sewing here at Chez Carolyn's...lotsa planning (yes planning but it's for fall and I can plan again!), inspiration storing and quality computer time...hey all of the kiddos are gone! I love this having a job thing...well for them!
Tomorrow I'm back to the daily grind but hopefully it won't be as grindy this week since both of my managers are on how did they manage that, she says with a big cheesy grin! I'm hoping to spend less time at work this week and a little more time home, possibly even doing some sewing stuff! Well, a girl can always hope can't she!
As always, more later...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
No Sewing Here...
So I am spending the rest of this wonderful day laying across my bed (teenager style) flipping through magazines with my trusty Lucky "yes" strips with Fred Astaire movies playing on TCM in the background...and for those, who like Marji, don't know what they are...Lucky magazine includes a page of sticky Yes post-its in every magazine. I save mine to use in other magazines as well as the Lucky for interesting ideas.
Maybe I'll sew tomorrow or maybe I will still be buried in magazines dreaming, wishing and planning Fall 2008/Winter 2009!!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
It's Here!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Decisions, Decisions
And have you ever noticed that one bad decision can totally change the direction of the garment...sometimes causing you to have to chuck the entire thing...but in some extraordinary instances causing you to end up with the most amazing thing you've ever made!
Decisions affect everything from the type of the thread...interfacing...even embellishments used on a garment and you have to make them every step of the way...even including how hot your iron should be during the pressing process?
So is there any wonder why sewing a well-fitted garment is a challenge that not everyone can rise too? There are just sooo many decisions to be made...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Scrap Happy
Saturday, August 09, 2008
An Exhibit, Some Trim and of course more fabric
Next we headed over to Ebads. Lisa has been shopping with me there since forever...and she found a couple of things...well actually we found a couple of the same things...
2 yards of a brown linen print
3 yards of this blue/black linen print - same as the brown above
4 yards of a green paisley cotton print - that goes sooooo well with the NL pantsuit!
A quick stop at Daytona Trims, a snack break and we headed home. It was a nice day! The weather was nice and breezy, I spent the day with a good friend, I got some fabric and I wore all RTW today, nothing I made touched my body...good day all around! *LOL*
Tomorrow I will be sewing...getting my center back before I head off to my day job!Friday, August 08, 2008
Can I give a shout out?
First can I just give Deb Fox the biggest thank you! I was blown
away at what was in the envelope and how thoughtful you were to send me such amazing patterns! Most of these will be able to be used out of the envelope with minimal alterations. I am so thrilled and overjoyed I don't know what to do! You have totally made up for the fact that I lost each and every Sybil Connolly pattern that I bid on this week!
So thank you, thank you, thank you for thinking of me!!!!Debbie - please know that I will be using this most wonderful gift! And that you have so inspired me!!!
Have a great weekend and more later...