Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Breaking the Rules Again
Monday, June 29, 2009
It's Show and Tell Week!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
McCalls 5893
Hey everyone! I am a little thrilled and shocked that my mom asked me to do this! So I guess I will start with an intro...
I am the second daughter (or precious princess as my mom calls us!) and the mother of "The Little Prince".
Thanks Mom for letting me show off my dress and "The Little Prince"!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Moving on...
The recent passings in the news have just blown me away. After seeing Farrah's Story, the documentary that was aired on NBC last month, I realized that it was just a matter of time until she succumbed to the cancer. Then to have that followed so quickly by the death of Michael Jackson was just an emotional overload. I still can not believe that he is dead...
There have been several posts on blogs about the fabrics that were purchased from the Vera Lavendar collection from Fabric.com. I am happy to report that most people were very satisfied with what they purchased. This is a good thing!
Since life is so fleeting and the sun is finally shining in the NYC area, I am sewing this weekend! *LOL* But you already knew that didn't you!
The post from my daughter will go up tomorrow...so look for it! I'm really proud of the dress that she made...can you tell!?!
And lastly, please take some time today or this weekend to hug the people closest to you and tell them that you love them...you just never know!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A Fabric Conversation
First, I try to be as honest as possible here. That's why I posted about being underwhelmed about the Vera Lavendar Collection fabrics. Not disappointed...not willing to send them back...just underwhelmed. And that could have been caused by several factors...primary amongst them being my own sense of anticipation which can greatly affect how a box of fabric is viewed when it arrives.
However, I am troubled that my exuberance for the purchase and subsequent letdown were taken as indications as to why you shouldn't purchase fabric on the internet...which of course was not my intent and totally defeats the purpose of the series of posts I just wrote!
Because if you are totally honest with yourself, you will admit that you have purchased some less than desirable pieces at the brick and mortar fabric stores. Some pieces that when you got them home you thought, "what the h*ll was I thinking?" You were swayed by the lighting, where the fabric was grouped, a display made from the fabric you bought, or even a friend that you were shopping with...we have all experienced fabric euphoria when shopping and during these times mistakes can be made. A major difference with experiencing fabric euphoria in the store versus online is that in most cases the online purchases can be returned!
So really, my less than stellar experience this one time should not stop you from trying an online fabric retailer. And if you took it as a sign that you shouldn't....mmmmm, not to be disrespectful but you read that sign wrong. Now if you just can't get over the fact that you need to touch a piece of fabric before bringing it home...I respect that. I just believe you are closing yourself off to some wonderful possibilities...but to each his own.
Now to "Anonymous" who wrote that they purchased 9 yards upon my recommendation, I would suggest that you wait until your box arrives before you decide that my recommendation has let you down. If you re-read the comments, there were several sewists who were very satisfied with what they purchased. There was also some discussion on the fact that even though the fabrics weren't as we envisioned them, that they were usable. We just have to revisit our original ideas and come up with new ones.
Once again let me state that I share the things that are happening in my sewing world. Yes, I was very excited about the sale and I wrote about it...but please if you decide to join me on one of my quests don't be disappointed with me if we don't share similar journeys.
Finally, fabric buying whether via the internet or at a bricks and mortar store is an adventure. You use the knowledge you have, the sewing techniques you know and "hope" for a good outcome. Because there is always that "unknown" element of a fabric...it can shrink in the wash...it can pill after wearing...or it may be a bear to stitch up. If asked to guess how many times that happens I would say maybe 1 in 100 but be aware that the possibility exists.
Now should that stop you from purchasing? Should that stop you from creating? Should that even stop you from buying from that particular retailer again? *sigh* My answer to all of the above is no...because I love to sew more than I love to eat. My world would not be complete without a few hours in it every week to sew, think about sewing, or read about sewing. But that's me and my journey...you have to follow your own path.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Vera Wang Lavendar Collection Fabric has arrived
Monday, June 22, 2009
Buying Fabric Online - Part 2
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Buying Fabric Online - Part 1
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Fabric Disorder
So the reason that 27 yards...yes I said 27 yards...of fabric are on their way to my apt is because somehow, someway, the owner of fabric.com got his hands on 1000s of yards of fabric from Vera Wang's Lavendar Collection. And believe me I had a hard time paring it down to just 27 yards!!!
Let me start at the beginning...I was on Stitchers Guild last week and there was a link to the Vera Wang collection on fabric.com. Being the fabric piggy that I am and knowing the label, I clicked in. Ohmygoodness...I was in fabric heaven! Do you remember this suit that was on my "To Sew" list last fall:
This very fabric is now onsale at fabric.com...so of course I bought some! But the entire fabric line must be in the folder! They have silks, boucles, wools, herringbones, jerseys...a little of everything for any lifestyle...looking for a white shirt fabric...it's in there! Need some t-shirt fabric...it's in there! Want a great little poly print or silk print for a fabulous summer dress...it's in there! Seriously, it's in there! *LOL*
The sale is going on until June 22nd...but I would hurry on over and check it out before the really good stuff is gone! *LOL* And then let me know what you got...and I will let you know what I got too! I'm more than excited! Just what I needed on yet another rainy, dreary day here in NYC!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009
Simplicity and Khaliah Ali Patterns
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Saturday's Bits and Pieces

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Chadwicks Dress is finished!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Just Skirting Around
A feature in Lucky Magazine highlighting the pencil skirt done in a large scale floral print or a graphic print.
The Challenge:
Create a pencil skirt works on our own body and use a bold print. Participants are Carolyn, Cidell, LindsayT, and Marji. (Marji proposed the challenge after reading Carolyn's post of May 9 and asked a few fellow sewists she emails and talks to regularly if they wanted to participate.)
The skirt:
Pattern used:
TNT Skirt Pattern
Fabric/Fabric source:
100% Rayon Print from
Construction details:
I used a graphic print for my version of the skirt. It is a bold and daring print that I thought it best emulated the skirts shown in Lucky. The construction was fairly straightforward. I did add a lining to my skirt but I chose a lime green piece that I only had a remnant of...which necessitated having to add a piece of 3" lace trim to the hem of the lining pieces.
Even then it was shorter than I normally like for a lining...however, it does work...so I went with it.
And even though I've been on an invisible zipper application craze, I ended up using a regular centered zipper application in this skirt. Partially because I had no 9" invisible zippers on hand and partially because the regular zipper matched the skirt and lining soooooo well...that color coordination trumped new technique! So into the skirt it went! *LOL*
This was a fun exercise to participate in and I've ended up with a very cute, very trendy skirt that works really well with the soft lime green twinset I already own. I've had some great conversations with friends and I've learned a new fitting technique from Marji - "The Fitting Goddess!" Now I'm ready for another Fashion Friday!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
An update and some housekeeping

Monday, June 01, 2009
I'm a little different