Thursday, April 01, 2010

The calm before the creative storm

It's late Thursday evening and I'm home until Monday...well I don't have to work until Monday that is!  And my heart is beating faster...I'm taking deep breathes and a calm has descended over me...because I know when I wake up tomorrow morning that I can sew.  That I can spend some time working on my new dress...

And I realize that my mojo is back...I'm creating garments in my mind in my downtime again.  I've come up with a great idea to dye a piece of cotton pique that I can't wait to try...and there are a few other ideas perculating.  That creative piece of me was missing during the month of March.  No matter how I tried to encourage myself to dream up new just wasn't happening.

I realized that today.  I also realized that I can't wait to sew!  So this is the calm before the creative storm...I can see it on the horizon...moving slowly...getting ready to overtake me and bring forth???  And I can't wait!

...more later!


  1. Enjoy your sewing weekend - I am envious! We have just started 2 weeks of school holidays here so with Master 6 home my sewing time becomes sporadic at best. I shall be sewing vicariously through you though, so keep us posted.

  2. Have a fantastic sewing retreat!

  3. SO glad you are back!! Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I totally understand. Does your head spin with the possibilities of an extra day to sew???? Enjoy your time!

  5. Yay, can't wait to see what you create!

  6. ENJOY! I can't wait to see what you create!

  7. Have fun. Can't wait to see what you sew up. Happy Easter!!!

  8. I so know what you are feeling!1Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  9. What a great way to spend a long weekend! Enjoy.

  10. You just proved my theory: if you love your mojo, set it free! It always comes back - sometimes with a vengeance.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  11. You go girl! I know what you mean....when I have some free time -- which isn't often -- I love cook and I get so excited thinking about getting my hands dirty in flour, rolling pinks, and measuring cups!


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