Saturday, August 03, 2013

A Sewing Weekend...

Some thoughts before I sew...
  • This July wasn't a normal July for me.  It started out with me having to put my sewing room back together which of course messed with my sewing mojo. Then I spent a lot of time at work, so my mojo became a victim of my tiredness...okay I had NO sewing mojo.  A clean revamped sewing room, but no mojo.
  • Then I thought of this great idea to give away fabric and not purchase any more for the remainder of the year. Can I tell you that I went back and forth over that post several times before I finally posted it.  Really! It's kinda scary to pledge that you won't buy any more fabric for the rest of the year AND then on top of that pledge to give 20 pieces away.  So when I finally posted this crazy idea, the reaction was almost overwhelming.  Seriously, I closed the comment section with 366 comments.  I think about 10-15 comments don't want to be included but that means people have a 1 in 350 chance to win.  Wow!
  • I made four pieces this month ~ two skirts and two dresses.  The dresses are being blogged in August but they were completed in July.  I know I shouldn't be discouraged about my outcome because really I got four wonderful pieces...but you know me...always striving for more!
  • For anyone interested, BMV patterns are back on sale for Club Members until Sunday, August 4th. I finally got the Timothy reference to Vogue 8919 because I watched that episode of Project Runway Thursday night. I remember now why I stopped watching this show. There's not as much designing as I would like but there's definitely drama, drama, drama which is probably why I loved The Great British Sewing Bee so much ~ no drama, just sewing.  And I miss Michael Kors...Zac Posen is nice but he's no MK!
  • I just finished taping.  Yeah that got old really fast.  I do want to thank Melissa from Fehr Trade for pointing me to her blog posts regarding the dress. It's given me a lot of food for thought but Melissa can I tell you that I won't be thread tracing those pleats!  Girl I have to give you some serious props for that!
  • Can't wait for the Fall fashion magazines to arrive! I mean for once I'm sewing ahead of the season. So I want to see if the things I've picked to make compare to what "the experts" are saying are in.
  • Oh yeah, I made my fall sewing list...garments to sew this August and September especially since my sewcation starts on the 30th of this month!  There are a couple of designer inspired pieces, a couple of the new Vogue patterns, a vintage Vogue pattern and one from the last rotation of patterns.  Ten pieces which I think is totally doable in the next eight weeks, and all but one (my August Mood Project) from fabric for the collection.
  • My patterns arrived from the last Vogue sale and this is what I bought...
Vogue 1366 - Anne Klein blouse & pants
I want this blouse bad!!!

Vogue 1367 - Rebecca Taylor design
Again, I want the top!

Vogue 8921 - I think I had new pattern fever
when I bought this one, cause I'll never sew it up!

Vogue 8923 - Love, love, love this one!
You will see it sooner rather than later!!!

Vogue 8935 - Another one that I really love!
It reminds me of a vintage Simplicity pattern I own 
This is another one on my must-sew now list!!!

Vogue 8936 - another peplum top and skirt
I like the princess seams on this one!

Finally, this is a sewing weekend and I'm so thrilled.  48 hours of just wallowing in my sewing room and spending quality time with my fabric.  I'm going to finish up my red dress and I may have pics to share...I may not cause really I just want to sew... always more later!


  1. I was one of those poor souls that had their size of 1366 sell out before I could checkout the first time so I was happy that they did the sale again for BMV folks. Happy sewing!!

  2. So exciting when the new patterns appear - I also bought the Rebecca Taylor design, which is beautiful, and a few others too.

  3. I love that new dress with the contrast fabric and I cannot wait until you make it up. I sympathise with your decision regarding purchasing or non purchasing of fabric, it is one that I have made often but keep breaking it when I see another "must have"!! I need to follow your example and publically declare my fabric status!!

  4. Apparently we should do something that scares us every day. Your pledge definitely ticks that box :-)
    I like lots of the patterns you've picked too. I especially like the first one and the peplum top. The later makes me want to go or and buy both the pattern and some fabric...which is kind of ironic. Enjoy funding your sewjo again (I think Lauren Lladybird first said that. Whoever it was, it's a great term!

  5. I love that V8923, too. Wonder if we'll wind up with matching versions :)
    I did not comment on your fabric give-away post because I am trying to tame my stash, too, ha!
    Looking forward to your designer-inspired Fall sewing.

  6. Happy sewing weekend.

  7. I am with you on Project Runway. I never watch anymore and I would also miss MK. Enjoy your sewing 48 hours. Looking forward to see your garments.

  8. Good to hear that happy sewing mojo in your "voice" again. You deserve it after all you went through in July.

  9. Glad you got your mojo back. I think I borrowed it from you since I sewed every single day in July. As for Project Runway, that's not drama-- its cruelty. I like to watch PR Australia on youtube.

  10. You have no reason to feel bad about your sewing output in July. You still made 3 more things in 1 month than I have all year. And all last year. And I have no excuse other than my own mental inertia.

  11. Have fun, enjoy your weekend.

  12. Oh no, now I'm in trouble. I decided to go look at the BMV sale - I have resisted this long; now I have joined the club and have 18 patterns coming my way. Uh oh ... I've created a monster!

  13. 366?!?! Wow. It is tough to look at new fall looks, pin one, and not immediately start searching for the "perfect fabric"! I've got my next few fall pieces ready to go, too, but rather bummed that summer is drawing to a close... :(

  14. That is an over-whelming amount of responses! I am soooo sad to see summer go! I have been so involved with work and construction in my home that almost no sewing was happening! I love some of your pics here and have already added one to my sew list! I hope to get back to sewing very soon! Good Luck with your sew weekend!

  15. Nice patterns!! I just got my order yesterday taking advantage of the newest pattern sale. Club BMV was quick in responding.

  16. I LOVE the first three patterns! The fourth is growing on me a lot. I could see how it would be very flattering. YAY!

  17. I love Vogue 8921.If I didn't already have TWO similar patterns in my own stash, I'd offer to buy it from you.

    I've been very busy with lots of other things this past few weeks, but seeing this has inspired me to get back to the sewing table.

  18. You've picked out some great patterns! Question, why do you think you wouldn't sew up 8921? I think it would look great on you.

    Anyhow, I can't wait to see what you make up with these patterns.

  19. I really like the paneled dress and the peplum top. Very on trend.

  20. I just love, love, love the purple color of the Vogue 1366 pants!


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