Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Sad Farewell...

The thing I worried about is starting to happen. Another wonderfully amazing online fabric retailer is going away...Textile Studios...and while I don't purchase from this site alot...I do have several awesome pieces from her...and will miss her "voice" in the online fabric community...

Here is what I received in my email this evening:

Textile Studio's Sew Long Sale

I'm very sad to announce that due to the economic downturn, I find it necessary to close out the fabric side of my business. I need to clear my inventory, as I will be vacating my studio shortly. So EVERY FABRIC on my site is 25% to 60% Off with many marked down well below my wholesale costs. This inventory clearance sale will run through Sunday, April 26th.

Unfortunately, a few ground rules are necessary for this sale. I usually send out emails if I'm unable to fill your order in any way. As I will be servicing this sale by myself, I will not send them this time. So, if you are purchasing fabrics to go together, please let me know in the comments/suggestion box on the order form. Also, if you are ordering several yards of one fabric, please let me know the minimum you will accept in the comments box. All orders will be processed on a first come first served basis. And since this IS a clearance sale all sales are final.

So Click Here to visit my "SEW LONG SALE".

And, as always, Keep on Sewing!

I hate when good fabric places go away...*sigh*...just needed to share!


  1. Yeah, it's a shame. Marsha's fafr9jmbrics have always been wonderful and the service is great.

    I ordered several pieces from the sale, even though I need more fabric like a hole in the head. I know it'll be wonderful.

  2. It is very sad indeed to see another fabric store (or any store) go out of business. This recession is becoming more far-reaching by the day.

  3. It's bad enough brick and mortar stores are tumbling down but having online retailers GOB is scary. This Great Recession sucks.

  4. I wondered if there were problems as she really hadn't added much in the way of fabrics for a while now. It's really sad to see anyone go out of business, especially good fabric stores. Thanks for the heads up. I bought a piece of fabric I needed for a planned project.

  5. So sad to hear, but unfortunately, this was a trend before the current economic situation and has probably put a lot of fabric stores (online and otherwise) in a very tough spot. This is caused by the American Women predominantly thinking that ready-to-wear is 99% better than custom-made and let's not even talk about home-made. Ugh! I fight this every day.

    I would really hope that the young kids coming up today would see the value and economy in purchasing fab and transforming their own dreams and designs into reality. That this time could be a fabulous opportunity it furthering the art and practice of empowering young peoples' designs.

    But then I sometimes I live in a fantasy world of thin thighs too!!


  6. Thanks for the heads up, you enabler, you! I am sorry to see them say good bye.

  7. Too bad. There's so few fabric sources as it is.

  8. You are an enabler. I just went to thier website and bought fabric I shouldn't have. Can't resist a bargin. Thanks.

  9. I too had wondered if there were problems as I hadn't seen as much new fabric. I will be sorry to see them go, I always got wonderful fabric and the service was lovely.

  10. Another sad sign of the times. I just keep wondering when will it start getting better, I'm not sure how much worse it can get. :0(

  11. I discovered another store going out. It is
    I can't believe I find these great places just when they are going out. Bummer!


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