Friday, October 14, 2011

A Three Day Weekend...

I have a vacation day today so I'm home...taking my time, surfing the web, reading blogs, watching TV and of course, sewing.  My plan is to finish off the Vogue dress this afternoon and get pics taken in the morning...during the good light...because my evening/after dark photos just aren't cutting it anymore.

Next up will be cutting out my new fabric for the SF Inspired dress and working on it this weekend.  New fabric as in I figured out what took my eyes off my obsession with this dress. The Fabric Mart fabric while amazing is a small houndstooth weave and the designer dress uses a larger houndstooth.  As I've seen more pictures of celebrities wearing this dress, my original fabric was just not working for me.

So I left work reasonably on time last night and hurried over to Mood Fabrics where I picked up this piece from the wool department on the 2nd floor.

I also saw the most amazing printed wool jersey piece that I left behind but the thought of it is torturing I see another trip to Mood in my future! *LOL* Anyway, now that I've got the right fabric, I will start working on this one this weekend too...because this will be one of my last long sewing weekends for awhile and I want to get the most out of it!

One more inspiration photo...

...I have an idea for this dress, based of course on my TNT dress pattern, that involves a little houndstooth trim (yes, I have houndstooth on the brain!!!) and an awesome piece of fabric that I bought from Fabric Mart.  I may or may not get to this one, but it will be next up in the sewing queue if I don't.

Speaking of inspiration, this list appears in an article in the November 2011 issue of O Magazine.  I definitely want to add a few of these pieces (especially the graphic black & white sheath dress) to my fall/winter I just have to find the time to sew them... always, more later!


  1. Enjoy! I love houndstooth - Can't wait to see this next Designer Inspired. :) g

  2. Oh, I'm loving that Chico's dress; even looked it up on the website and snorted when I saw that the poly/lycra fabric was labeled 'dry clean'. I've got some really nice claret red doubleknit...wouldn't that look cool w/ black or gray accent? Hmmmmm..... :-D

  3. Oh houndstooth. I must sew you this season, if I can ever find my way out from under my Halloween sewing.

    I LOVE the inspiration dresses. I can totally see you in the graphic sheath dresses. I particularly love the one with the white swirl. So fun!

  4. Not only am I inspired by your creations. I'm inspired by your inspiration! Can't wait to see what the houndstooth becomes. Enjoy your three day weekend!

  5. I am loving the houndstooth as well but as we are only going into summer here, I won't have much need for it for a while.
    BTW there is YSL skirt featured in an ad in the Sept issue of US Elle magazine and the minute I saw it I thought of you. To me it seemed the perfect style for you and your corporate wardrobe. The original is a white/black plaid with black inverted pleats but would look equally good using a houndstooth/black combination. I can email you a picture if you would like to see it.

  6. C - so happy that you saw that houndstooth as well. I cannot wait to see what you come up with. I am loving the "inspirational" dress.

  7. I adore houndstooth and I really like your inspiration dress. Like Lisa Laree, my mind instantly filled with ideas and combinations...

  8. Have a fabulous weekend.

  9. You hardly need another follower of your blog but I stood in line for my cup of Kool-Aid anyway! Love it!

  10. Houndstooth is great. Your red and black dress is beautiful and it really looks good on you. I am going to get that pattern.


  11. Houndstooth is great. Your red and black dress is beautiful and it really looks good on you. I am going to get that pattern.


  12. I am so jealous of you! I went to NYC for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and absolutely love the place - mainly (of course) for the amazing amazing fabric shops. Space and weight in my suitcase unfortunately cut short my buying spree, but that must be just amazing to be able to pop over there and get a couple of things that are exactly what you want...


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